Chapter 14

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Why am I dressing so fancy right now? Why do I keep thinking I don't look good enough? Why am I so worried how this meal will go?

I have on my best vest and button up shirt. I have black dress pants on also. Plus not my normal bennie hat. 

I keep checking myself to see if something is out of place. I haven't even put on my shoes.

Worst part about this is, I still have an hour till I have to pick up Jere.

I don't know what I'm thinking and why I'm trying so hard.

Do I want to confess? Or show him who I think he loves?

I want something, but my mind is making me scared to get it.

I should man up! Just do it Mike! Stop acting like a shy girl with her first crush!


Jeremy is my first crush. The very first person I have fallen in love with.

The others feel like they were just there to try and hide the feelings I have for my friend.

I put on dress shoes and decide to text Jere.

'Can you dress fancy? The place is fancy.'

'Sure? I was going to anyways.'

'Really? Why?'

'Just because I want to.'

'That doesn't answer me.'

I sigh. I'm a bit happy that I wasn't the only one wanting to be fancy.

I get up and decide to take a quick nap.


"Ugh! Stupid alarm!" I wake up and hit the clock.

Wait! I never set an alarm!

I sit up quickly. Is someone in my house?!

I get up and grab my bat.

I see light coming from my living room.

What kind of creep with set me an alarm and watch my tv?

I raise my bat as I enter the living room.

"H... Hi Mike." The person turns to me.

"Jeremy! Oh my. You scared me setting the alarm." I toss the bat to the side.

"I... I didn't want you to sleep t... Too long." He gets off the couch and turns off the TV.

I frown. "I missed picking you up?"

He shakes his head. "N... Nope!"

I check him out a bit. A black suit, white T-shirt under it, and black shoes. His hair is actually, for once, is out of his face.

"You look good." We tell each other at the same time.

Jeremy giggles and I smile at how it sounds.

"So.... Let's head out." I grab my keys.

Jeremy smiles and waits.

"I'll meet you in the car. I have to find my wallet." I look around.

Jere nods and rushes outside.

I smirk.

I have my wallet in my pocket. I'm just grabbing the notes I have.

I'm going to talk to Jeremy at dinner about what I have.

Then we head out.


We got there early and got a seat fast.

I think the fact it's a Wednesday helped.

We got everything fast.

I sit there not eating and touching the papers in my pocket. I don't know how to bring this up.

"M... Mikey? Are y... You OK?" Jere asks me.

"I really need to talk to you." I look up from my untouched food. "I've been meaning to for awhile."

Jeremy nods. "OK. Wh... What is it?"

I sigh.

How do I say anything? What should I say?

I dreamed about telling him and have it end happily for us, but happily ever after aren't real. They normally never are.

"It's about these letters." I pull them out and sent them on the table.

Jeremy turns white and stares at them. "Wh... What about them?"

I sigh. My hands are getting sweaty from my nerves.

How do I say I think you love me?

"These are the notes you write me and the one my secret admirer wrote also." I bite my lip.

He still so white. I feel like I'm changing colors also.

I sigh and look at the notes.

"Things look the same.... Then there's those little hints we gave each other...."

I'm too scared to look at him.

Why do I want to call him out on this stuff? Or why I'm so nervous?

I'm not the one being called out!

I sigh as a hand goes over mine. I see the color was back.

"S... So you know?" He sounds sad.

"I think you like me. I don't know. That's why I'm showing you this stuff. To show what I think...."

I hear a sigh from him. It cause me to look up at him.

Jeremy has tears in his eyes. "Do y... You think I'm sick?"

I shake my head no.

"Why are y... You so quiet then?" He frowns.

I flip my hand to hold his.

"I'm deciding what to do." I answer.

I am thinking of telling him. He knows I know he likes me.

"I've had a crush for over 10 years on my guy. I didn't have the guts to tell him, and I think I still can't say it to him.... So hand me a napkin and the pencil beside you?"

Jeremy frowns and gives me the stuff I ask for.

He wipes tears away. I feel like crying just seeing the little bit of tears come.

I begin to write on the napkin.

'I find it hard to say it out loud and I don't know why. I love you, Jere. I'm just not man enough to say it out loud. I've tried to tell you many times, but I can't because of one of my fears. I can't just say it like a man, I have to be girly about it. I love you, Jeremy. Now can you at least let me now I'm not just thinking you love me. I want you to say or write it to me.'

I set the pencil as I slide the napkin over to Jeremy. Then I wait.

Jeremy smiles, but keeps crying. He takes the pencil and writes for himself.

It very short as he gives it to me.

"I love you, too. I'm not man enough also." I read it out loud.

I smile at him.

Now we both know about out love to each other.


Sadly. This is the end.

Maybe not if I get more reviews to continue.

I'm going to start another Jeremike, so keep wait on me.

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