Chapter 11

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Again with this quietness! Why does it make me nervous or angry?!

Right now I'm both!

"Jere.... Say something. I don't want to start a random topic this time." I feel like I'm glaring.

"Wh... Who do you like?" He looks up at me.

"Who do you like?" I snap back.

I don't want just say I love you.

"I... I'll give you hints t... To mine.... I... If you gives me hints to yours." Jeremy rubs his neck.

"Short." I tell him.

"Wh... What?"

"I'm telling you a hint. Short."

"T... Tall."


"M... Mello."

"What?!" I never heard that before.

"N... Not black, but not white." Jeremy explains.

"Um.... Green eyes."

"D... Doll?" Jere frowns at me.

"No! I hate her. Plus she's a she and not a he." I hated that.

I think. I'm a bit confused by the mello thing.

"I don't think I know your guy." I sigh.

"R... Really?" Jeremy frowns harder.

"I don't really now what a mello person looks like Jere."

He mumbles something under his breathe.

"What was that?" I get up.

Jere watches me in panic.

"I'm... Putting the cake away." I sighs.

I scared him. Maybe I shouldn't of been a bit mean.

"I... I said that's funny." Jere gets up.

"How?" I can't see him, but I know he was moving by the sound my floor makes. 

I turn around to see myself in a mirror. I jump back into the fridge frighten by the sudden closeness.

"It's f... Funny since y... You're mello." Jeremy smiles at me.

I start thinking. Tall and my skin color.

Oh my God! Jeremy just say it! I don't want to guess!

"Eye color?"

"Bl... Blue."

God! Stop playing games and just say it!

I nod to myself. "OK."

"Wh... Where will I be sleeping?" Jere changes the subject.

"Follow me." I lead him to the spare bedroom.

"G... Good night." Jeremy turns around in the bedroom.

"Good night. Iloveyousomuch!" I shout and slam the door shut.

I race back to my bedroom before he can open the door and ask what in the world I was saying.

I change clothes and lay down, face in the pillow.

I silent scream into my pillow.

He described me! At least I think.

I yelled I loved him! Though he hasn't come to talk to me about what I said or about me slaming the door.

I look at the clock. It's not the normal time I go to bed. I'm still wide awake, very wide awake thanks to the very sugary cake in my system now.

What should I do?

I'll do the dashes and maybe wash a load of clothes. I'll workout if my sugar rush isn't going down.

I get up and open my door.

"H... Hi Mike." A blushing Jere stands there like he was ready to knock on my door.

"Hi Jeremy." I stand there.

Then, there was the awkward silence again....



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