˙˚∘𓉸⊹ Prologue.⊹𓉸∘˚˙

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Oliver Smith; A four year old boy with a stutter and hearing issues. The day was November Seventeenth, 2004.

Everything seemed normal that day. His parents were arguing in the kitchen and he and his brother were playing outside. It was a pretty normal day for the Smith family.

" I'm gonna get you! " Oliver heard his older brother Ron shout, voice was muffled but the vibrations on the ground indicated he wasn't far behind.

" Nuh uh!! " Oliver shouted back, his words mushed together as he tried to pick up the pace.

Just run faster, just run faster, BUMP. " owwww..." Oliver mumbled as he hit the ground. As he turned himself around, away from the ground he saw Ron's face flood with concern.

" Are you okay?! " Ron asked as he kneeled down next to his little brother. Oliver nodded a little, feeling a sting somewhere as he did so.

" Ouch " Ron said as he saw Oliver's left knee, bruised and bleeding. The look on Ron's face told Oliver what he couldn't hear or feel, he got hurt. Again. Let's just say there's always a clutz in the family.

" You're so clumsy! " Ron joked, trying to say it in ASL as he spoke out loud. Oliver heard a muffling version of his words and used his peripheral vision to pay attention to Ron's hands.

Oliver let out this little giggle and wondered how his brother messed up the words so badly, but he knew Ron was trying so that's all that mattered.

" Y-yo-ou sa-s-aid yo-you havve w-o-rms in in yourr sh-sh-shoe " Oliver giggled. He didn't have any attention to his parents shouting inside, sometimes being almost completely deaf at times was a good thing.

Ron stopped for a second and had a look of confusion spread on his face before shaking his head a little and trying not to laugh at himself. Then he heard something, words that scared him.

" I'm taking Oliver! You got custody of Ron! I'm taking Oliver and we are leaving! "

What's wrong? Oliver signed. Earning a shake in the head from Ron before he started to say:

" Dad wants to take you away. Don't worry though! I won't let it happen! "

Promise? Oliver signed as he frowned and saddened his eyes.

Ron nodded and smiled before taking his pinky and crossing them. " I promise. "

That promise didn't even last a day.

Ron pulled Oliver up and tapped him on the shoulder, " Tag! " he shouted before running off. Oliver gasped in offense and began chasing after his older brother.

They were too preoccupied to notice their father busting outside. Negan picked Oliver up and started walking towards his truck before stuffing Oliver in the backseat and into his car seat.

" Ollie!? Dad?! " Ron shouted as he tried to chase after his brother. Jessie held him back with her arm and shook her head.

" Mom?.." Ron felt butterflies in his stomach, his heart dropped and his eyes teared up.

Jessie walked up to the backseat of the car and handed Oliver his stuffed rabbit, Ted.

What's going on mama? Oliver signed, Jessie's eyes were filled with tears. She kissed Oliver's forehead.

" I love you, okay? Always remember that. " She said as she backed away and went back to Ron, trying to comfort him as he began crying and shouting at their parents.

Oliver stared out the window confused as a scared ball formed above his heart. Why are we leaving? He wondered as he slowly started to wave bye back to his mother. Why is Ron crying?

Once Negan got into the driver's seat it was goodbye to the family. Oliver and Ron didn't even get to say goodbye or hug again.

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