˙˚∘𓉸⊹ Chapter Two. ⊹𓉸∘˚˙

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OLIVER SMITH. 2014. Monday morning.

Oliver laid there in an uncomfortable potato sack of a bed, he tried to think of what was going to happen. How would he be able to escape? Getting out of here to go back to the sanctuary would be a hellish trick. His thoughts were baffled, he had rarely come here in the past. When he did he was just sneaking around.

" Baffle baffle baffle, "Oliver muttered.

" What?" Carl prayed as he turned his head to face Jinx.

" Nothing, nothing" Oliver uttered as he opened his eyes to look at Carl. He's never seen Carl this way, it was torture to the mind. He wanted to bring voice to who he was but couldn't.

For the first time Oliver was the one protecting Carl.

" So... what do you do for hobbies?.." Oliver asked as he sat up, pulling himself up the bed so his back could rest on the frame.

Carl took a calming breath and began to speak.

" I read comics. Shoot things." He said as he rested his head back. He was exhausted, he wasn't planning on taking an all nighter but he did. Carl wanted to rest but a question growing inside of him like a seed in the soil grew more and more every second. Making it nearly impossible to close his eyes.

How does he know me? How long has he been spying on us? The question was hell.
So he asked.

" How do you know who I am?" Carl sternly put a question to.

" I can't say." Jinx spoke, but the voice that did: came out shaky like a table with uneven legs. His voice isn't his strong suit, never was, never will be.

" Well why the hell not?" Carl questioned as he sat up. Turning his body to face Jinx. Swarms of angry thoughts rushing his head like bees to a hive.

" Because." Jinx said as he looked up at the ceiling. His hands stuffed inside his pocket as his fingers picked at one another.

" Because what?" He heard Carl question, but it wasn't just him questioning.

" Because what, Oliver? You don't want him to know you're the pathetic kid he met in Atlanta? The weak little blonde boy who can't keep his emotions intact?" A woman spoke. Despite her words she had a sweet, soft, and caring voice.
Like most mothers do.

" Go away Lucille." Oliver whispered, low enough for Carl not to hear.

" What was that?" Lucille asked with a raise of a brow.

" That's no way to talk to your mommy, or step mommy" She continued with. Her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard to Oliver's fragile ears.

" Go away!" He said a bit loud, it wasn't a shout but it wasn't calm talking either. His voice slightly cracked when he hit the y.

" What?!" Carl demanded. Getting up almost immediately. Who does this kid think he is? What is wrong with him? He wondered.

Oliver took in a breath and closed his eyes, biting his inner cheek as he dug his nails into his skin. Don't fucking cry. He repeated in his head as tears tried to flood his eyes..
His ears aren't the only thing that are sensitive.

Carl shook his head and pinched his nose while he sat back down. He was too tired to start an argument.

" Sleep. I won't kill ya." Jinx stated, his voice sounding quiet and sore. He turned onto his side as he took in a shaky breath of air and looked at the posters Carl had on the walls.

" Why won't you just cooperate?" Carl questioned as he got up and sat at the edge of the bed that Jinx was on.

" I just want to keep you dumbfucks alive." Jinx chuckled, voice beginning to break with every word he spoke. His throat was overused, he wasn't supposed to be talking this much. He hasn't gotten that far in the savior's voice therapy. Or voice training, whatever fucking one anyone wants to call it.

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