Chapter 6

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"Sakura!" I rush over to her. I place a hand on her back as I kneel down next to her. She looks up at me.

"I'm fine." She smiles a weak, fake smile.

"No you're not. Lets go." I pull her up to her feet. I grab some paper towels and hand them to her. She wipes off her hands.

"Really Sasuke, I'm fine." She insists.

"Sakura, you were coughing up blood. I'm not buying this whole 'I'm fine' dilemma." I grab her wrist as she tries to walk out.

"Sasuke, please. I'm fine." She rips her wrist out of my grip. She wipes away tears that were starting to fall. She starts to walk away.

"Sakura, wait!" I call out.

"Please, just don't get involved." She says loud enough for me to hear. She walks away.


I return back to lunch with only about ten minutes left.

"Hey Teme! Where's Sakura?" A certain blonde calls out.

"I don't know." I mumble.

"Well, what happened?" Ino asks.

"Something unforgivable." I grit my teeth. I suppose the others sensed my anger, for they didn't ask nor talk about Sakura for the rest of lunch.

Back at the classroom, I noticed someone sitting where Sakura sits. They're bend over, probably tying their shoe. My mood lightens up as I walk over to the spot, keeping my pace slow as to not show excitement. But that flame of happiness is extinguished when a certain red head flips her head up, whirling around and staring at me.

"Oh Sasuke~!" She stands up, linking my arm with hers.

"Ew gross!" I hear TenTen say to the others. I look at them with a look of desperation. Eventually, Neji and TenTen come over. "Karin, would you please excuse us? We need to speak with Sasuke." TenTen says. I can hear her patience level dropping with each word she said.

"Oh of course!" She gladly obliges our request and leaves.

"So, are you gonna tell us what happened with Sakura?" Neji speaks.

"You're not gonna like it though."

"We don't care Sasuke. Tell us." TenTen speaks.



I tell them what happened. By the time I was finished, TenTen's face was red with anger. Neji had to take her out into the hall to calm her down.

Class starts and Sakura doesn't return. The seat next to me remains empty for the rest of the day.

When school is finally over, Naruto comes over to me.

"Hey Teme! Wanna hang out tonight?" He smiles.

"I don't know Dobe. I was gonna go check up on Sakura." His face goes stern and serious.

"Sasuke, don't. We all know, including you, that you're the reason she's bullied. So, let the girls handle it. They won't cause more damage like you will."

"Naruto, what do you mean that I'm the reason she gets bullied?"

"You know as well as I do that Karin is jealous that someone else other than her is liked by you." He does has a point.

"But I don't like Karin."

"Well not in Karin's mind. She's so convinced that you love her."

"She's crazy."

"Yeah, she is."

"But anyways, I'm gonna go check up on her. I'll text you later." I say before leaving to my bike. Thank the Lord it's Friday.

I get to my bike and start it up. I pull out of the parking lot and on to the road. I'm driving down the street where I picked her up before I realize I'm not exactly sure where she lives. I pull over and text Ino. She knows where she lives.

She responds almost instantly, saying she lives in an apartment, but she doesn't know which one.

I pull into the parking lot of the apartments and head into the front office.

"Hello?" I say as I get in. A man walks out from the back room.

"How can I help you?"

"Which apartment is Sakura Haruno in?" I ask.

"Oh, Sakura. How do you know her?"

"Why is it any of your business?" I snap.

"It's not my business. She's asked me to not give that out to certain people. I have a list of whom not to give it to."

"Fine. I'm her friend, Sasuke Uchiha." He scans the list before smiling and looking back up.

"She's in 2B. That's the second floor."

"Thanks." I walk away and head to the stairs. I climb to the second floor. Once there, I walk down the hall until I reach her apartment. It's the second door.

I knock on the door. I hear scrambling inside before the door opens. Standing before me is a short pink haired girl, wearing black shorts and a pink tank top.

"Sasuke...what are you doing here?" She asks surprised.

"I wanted to check up on you. You didn't come back to class."

"Thanks but I'm fine."

"Sakura, please. Let me help you."

"There's nothing to help with."

"Let me in." I command.

"Excuse me?"

"Let me in. We need to talk." She steps to the side and I walk in. Her apartment is neat and clean. She has her small kitchen right by the door on the right, two stools by the center island. Past the kitchen is the small living room to the left; consisting of a small couch, a love seat, and a small flat screen tv. To right of that is a small table and chairs. In between the dining room and kitchen is a small hallway to the right. Two doors are connected to the hallways. I'm assuming one is her bedroom and the other is the bathroom.

She shuts the door and walks back over to the couch, sitting down. I slip my shoes off, follow her and take a seat in the love seat.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asks.

"Why do you let them do that to you?"

"It's senior year Sasuke. Afterwards, I'll never see them again. I don't want to leave high school with a grudge."

"I don't care Sakura. You can't let them do that to you! You're gonna get seriously hurt!"

"I'm fine." She shrugs. She wraps her arms around her stomach.

"Sakura come here."


"Come stand in front of me." She gives me a weird look before doing as I say. She stands in front of me. "Lift up your shirt."

"Sasuke what the hell?! No!"

"Just do it! I'm not gonna do anything. Just show me your stomach." I look up at her. She has panic in her eyes.

"No Sasuke. I'm not going to show you my stomach." I then poke her stomach gently. She flinches.

"Just do it." She hesitates before slowly lifting it up. There are bruises all over her stomach. I sit up straight. I place my hand gently on her stomach. Again, she flinches. I begin to run my hand over her smooth flat stomach. She steps back and puts her shirt back down.

"Alright. That's enough of that." She sits back.


"No. Just drop it. I don't want to talk about it anymore." There's a moment of silence.

Sakura turns away, not looking at me and says, "If that's the only reason you came here for, then you should leave."

Hey guys, sorry for the late update and the terrible chapter ending. But here it is.

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