Chapter 1

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 This whole fic felt like a fever dream idk why but I hope you enjoy it. 





Wonwoo was fucked. Categorically fucked.

He looked around the room once more, becoming frantic in his search. The flash drive had to be here. There was no other possible place it could be. Throwing caution to the wind, he pulled out one of the desk drawers, upending the contents onto the floor. He rifled through the scraps of paper. No luck. Cursing, he looked down at his watch. He had only a few precious minutes to find the flash drive and get the fuck out of the room. Dumping the desk drawer on top of the pile on the floor, he sent the contents of the top of the desk flying too. His intention had been to steal the flash drive with no trace, but time was running short and if he needed to ransack the space, so be it.

He rummaged through the wreckage of the desk, finding a watch and a set of cufflinks, which he pocketed without a second thought. Standing up again, he ran his hand through his hair, his eyes darting across the room. He was missing something. Something obvious. He resisted the urge to yell in frustration. It was all bullshit anyway.

He strode over to the bookshelf, examining the titles with speed, hoping for a pattern that jumped out. The titles gave no clues, and as a last ditch attempt, he ran his finger over each book spine, trying to feel for any irregularities. His finger stalled over a book that felt distinctly plastic, despite its worn leather appearance. He yanked the book out, almost sending it flying because it was so deceptively light. The second he saw the cover, he wanted to kick himself. The book claimed to be a dictionary, but had no pages in it. Instead, when he flipped open the cover, he was greeted by a small lock. He shook the book, the sound of the object inside rattling. The flash drive, he thought grimly. He had less than a minute to try and find the key, or to pick the lock.

Taking a deep breath, he put the book down on the desk, clearing enough space so that he could pull the chair up. He pulled out his lock-picking set from his blazer pocket, looking at it for a moment before selecting the right tools. His hands shook slightly as he tried to ignore the pounding of his heart and the ticking of the clock. He was an expert lockpick, and he wasn't about to be beaten by a safe designed to keep only the laziest of thieves away.

He gently wiggled the tool, feeling each pin click into place. The sound of movement on the other side of the door caused him to glance up, but he let his fingers keep working as his mind raced for a cover story should someone come through the door. The lock on the safe clicked, and Wonwoo wrenched it open as fast as he could, scooping the flash drive up with one swift movement. Straining to make out the sounds on the other side of the door, he realised he could hear the low tones of a man's voice, closer than before. Unless his eyes were mistaken, the handle of the door shifted slightly, like someone was holding onto it while having a conversation just on the other side.

He glanced around the room once more before making his way to the large bay window. Pausing for a moment, he stared out. The roof sloped almost directly down, the drop from the third floor office dizzyingly high. He hated heights. He tried to peer upwards to see if he could climb up, but a sound from the other side of the door had him looking back to the door. In his mind his countdown clock had reached zero, alarms blaring. The window was his only option.

He popped it open, trying not to shiver from the cold air rushing in, and gingerly stepped out onto the window ledge. He could see now that he was outside that his best course was to climb atop the window, where, if he didn't shit himself in the process, he could take a small scramble over the gable of the roof and slide down to the expanse of the flat roof behind him.

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