Chapter 5

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After Christmas, life returned to as close to normal as possible in the Lee household. Wonwoo tried his best not to think about the moment with the icing, the way Mingyu had stared at him. Once the Christmas decorations were all packed up, it became easier to pretend it had never happened. As the January frost began to thaw, Wonwoo busied himself at home, cooking more soup than was necessary for any human.

Bent over a bubbling pot of carrot soup, he barely noticed Mingyu coming in behind him, throwing his things everywhere in his usual chaotic fashion.

"You alright?" Mingyu asked, pouring himself a glass of wine. He topped up Wonwoo's glass, and Wonwoo hummed gratefully.

"Not bad. You?"

Mingyu nodded. "Doing alright, ta."

"Good day?"

Mingyu wrinkled his nose in the way that Wonwoo had begun to find rather endearing over the past few weeks. "Mina's pregnant, so we threw her a baby shower today."

"That sounds..." Wonwoo trailed off.

"It was dull as dishwater, Wonwoo," Mingyu supplied, taking a sip from his wine. "Fuck that's good. What's for dinner?"


Again, Mingyu wrinkled his nose. "I swear you're obsessed with sneaking me as many vegetables as is humanly possible."

"Your diet is shocking, Mingyu. I'm surprised you didn't keel over the first time you ate a vegetable."

"It was touch and go," he nodded, seriously.

Wonwoo chuckled as he started to ladle up the soup. "Did you manage to glean any info at the office today?"

"Better than that," Mingyu grinned, bounding over to his blazer. "I finally got to use the software I installed on his computer at the Christmas party. I copied his entire hard drive while he was chewing out someone in HR over a payslip mix up." He produced a tiny thumb drive that he tossed onto the counter with little regard. Wonwoo stared down at it, before clattering the soup bowls down.

"Why didn't you fucking lead with that when you came in the door, Mingyu?" Wonwoo exploded.

"You didn't ask," Mingyu replied, raising his wine glass up to his lips and cocking his eyebrow. His fingers wrapped around the stem, holding it tight, and Wonwoo resolutely refused to allow his mind to wander down the path it was threatening to.

"You shouldn't withhold crucial information just because I don't ask the right questions. You're a shit team player. No wonder no one ever wants to be on an operation with you."

Mingyu snorted. "That's rich coming from you."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Every operation you do goes sideways, Jeon. Everyone knows that."

Wonwoo rolled his eyes. "You're such an asshole." He shook his head, picking up the thumb drive and holding it up for a closer inspection.

"Stop teasing and just put it in your laptop Wonwoo," Mingyu tutted.

"How do I know you haven't put a virus on it?"

"Yeah, that's what I've used my cybersecurity skills for. Creating a Trojan horse to wipe your porn bookmarks."

"I don't bookmark my porn!"

Mingyu snatched the thumb drive out of Wonwoo's hand and put it into the computer. His fingers danced across the keyboard in a way Wonwoo couldn't help but be mesmerised by. He didn't know why he'd never thought about where Mingyu's skill with computers came from, but it seemed so obvious now.

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