Chapter 9

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Everything hurt. From the top of his skull down, everything hurt. He tried to focus on what had pulled him out of his sleep, but his mind was struggling to process what he could hear. With great difficulty, he cracked an eye open. It was dark. So dark he could only make out the shadows of two people at the foot of the bed.

"Get out of here," one of them said. He reflexively smiled at the sound of Mingyu's voice, even though he thought the other man might sound quite angry.

"You have no right to be here," the other voice started. Wonwoo tried to figure out who it was. Whoever it was seemed angry too. He just wanted to sleep.

"When it's about Wonwoo, it's always my right," Mingyu yelled, loud enough that Wonwoo jumped.

"I could have you arrested–"

There was the sound of a scuffle, before a loud crash. Wonwoo groaned slightly.

"Get the fuck out of here, Seungcheol. At least save your interrogation until he's conscious."

Seungcheol laughed an obnoxious laugh that made Wonwoo wince. "I always knew you were a bastard, Kim. Took great pleasure in accepting your resignation, didn't I?"

"Well, too bad for you, not everyone accepted it, huh?"

"Kim Mingyu. Nothing seems to stick to you. Botched mission in Cyber, botched mission in Counterterrorism? Maybe if you continue you'll fuck up so badly you'll eventually get yourself killed."

When Mingyu spoke again his voice was deathly low. "You know as well as I do I wasn't responsible for what happened during the Cyber mission."

"Why don't you prove it?" Seungcheol spat.

"No thanks. I'd rather make you sweat. Now get the fuck out."

Wonwoo settled back down into the warmth of the bed, wishing he was back asleep already. The door banged loudly, sending shockwaves of pain through him. He groaned reflexively, the sound seeming distant.

"Wonwoo?" Mingyu's voice was much closer now. "It's okay, Wonwoo. Go back to sleep."

Wonwoo nodded slightly, before doing what Mingyu told him to do.


The next time he woke up he felt far more human. He winced in pain as he opened his eyes. The room was bathed in warm light, and, after a few moments, he realised he was in a hospital. Curled up in a chair next to him was Mingyu, a book open on his lap. He was wearing sweatpants and a grey t- shirt. The glasses he was wearing didn't disguise how exhausted he looked, his face pale. The dark circles seemed to stretch from under his eyes to his cheekbones. But, bathed in the warm glow of sunlight from the window behind him, Wonwoo could've sworn Mingyu had never looked more handsome.

He tried to speak, but his mouth was so dry it hurt to even try to open it. It was like he hadn't drunk any water in months. He shifted slightly, and Mingyu's head snapped up, throwing the book to the side.

"Wonwoo," he grabbed his hand, squeezing hard. "You're awake."

"Thirsty," Wonwoo managed to choke out, before coughing.

"Yeah, yeah, of course you are. Hang on." Mingyu released his hand turning around to fill a glass from a water pitcher Wonwoo hadn't noticed on the side. He tried to lift his arm to take the glass from Mingyu, but a sharp jolt of pain forced him to stop. "I'll do it," Mingyu said, placing the cup gently against Wonwoo's mouth.

The water was the best thing he'd ever tasted in his life, flowing down his throat ice cold and refreshing. He thirstily drank down the entire glass. As Mingyu removed the cup, Wonwoo didn't miss him quietly muttering, "Good boy." He flushed as heat pooled in his stomach.

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