Chapter 2

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The moving van appeared on Wonwoo's doorstep at 8am the next day, much to his displeasure. He glanced around his flat one last time, making sure he had all the important things he needed with him in his box. He'd left his flat keys with one of Joshua's PAs with the strict instructions to water his houseplants at least once a week. Obviously to maintain his cover, he couldn't bring anything of sentimentality, even though his hands did linger over the picture of him and his mum from his university graduation. Eventually though, he took down all the photos and posters, packing them into a box with his passport and driving licence. Someone from M17 would be around to collect it later. It was better to remove all traces of himself from the flat, just in case someone tried to link it to him.

As he opened the door, box in hand, to where the van was idling, he groaned inwardly. Mingyu was sitting in the driver's seat, his aviators sat proudly atop his head. Wonwoo resisted the urge to throw his box as Mingyu leaned over and popped the passenger side door open.

"Come on, Jeon. We don't have forever," he called out. Dragging his feet only slightly, he made his way to the van.

"Are you going to open the back for me," he asked, resting the box against the side of the van. It wasn't particularly heavy, but he was over the whole thing already.

Mingyu sighed, before getting out of the vehicle. "As you wish, sweetie," he smiled sarcastically, pulling open the back of the van. Wonwoo felt extremely watched as he put his box down. He had to shove some boxes out of the way to make enough space.

"Do you have enough shit?" he asked, slamming the door.

"It's not mine, dumbass," Mingyu smirked, leaning against the van. "They've provided us with all the stuff we need. Most of it is an Ikea flatpack they've just built. Now, get in before we're late."

"I'm driving," Wonwoo said, going to snatch the keys out of Mingyu's hand, but Mingyu grabbed them out of the way before he succeeded. "Give me the keys," he said. He knew full well he sounded like a petulant child, but that didn't stop him.

"You're not driving," Mingyu said in a singsong voice. "I remember your defensive driving skills from Basic. Besides, you've got a cracked rib."

"It's driving a moving van, Mingyu, not a fucking getaway car that's being shot at. I think I'll be okay," he argued.

"Get in the passenger seat," Mingyu said, crossing his arms. "Get in or I'll leave you behind."

Wonwoo mirrored Mingyu's stance, crossing his arms. He could stand here all day. He wasn't going to let Mingyu win.

"Fine," Mingyu said, throwing his hands up. Wonwoo smirked, the victory warm in his chest for a moment before he realised Mingyu was getting into the driver's seat. The engine choked, then turned over, the van rumbling to life.

"Good luck explaining to Joshua why you're quitting the mission," he shouted through the open window. Wonwoo stared at him, open-mouthed for a moment. The audacity of this man, he thought. He'd never met someone so arrogant. Despite his better judgment, he stalked over to the passenger side, climbed into the van, and slamming the door shut loudly.

"Good boy," Mingyu smirked. Wonwoo tried to ignore the way those two words sent heat pooling towards his stomach. Mingyu was not, nor would ever be, attractive in Wonwoo's eyes. The pain medicine was making him loopy. He crossed his arms, staring resolutely out the window. Mingyu fiddled with the music, changing the station a few times before settling on some Top-40s station. Wonwoo remained staring out the window until they reached the motorway, trying to ignore the gnaw of anxiety in his stomach. His rib hurt, and he wished he hadn't been so quick to rise to Mingyu's bait. If he'd been a little more in control he could've been on the sofa with some trashy reality TV on right now. He shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable. A cold item crashed into his lap and he jumped slightly. Looking down, he realized it was an ice pack. Taking it, he turned to look at Mingyu, who was staring straight forward, his eyes fixed on the road.

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