22. treatment.

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Arjun awoke with his head throbbing violendly. Yudhishtir lay next to him, breaths uneven, and sleep fitful.

Arjun breathed heavily and slowly tried to sit up, but let alone sitting up, he was not even able to move from bed.

"what sort of a warrior are you, rajkumar arjun?".strangely, ,his mind mocked.

"im a warrior, but in know vedas is it said that a warrior wont catch a feiver".

His soul retorted.

"still". His mind said sarcastically.

He hissed as a violent wave of pain shot through his head and started to shiver. His mind's egoistic laughter filled him. "warrior, cot a feiver just cus you got a shock". It said and arjun lay down, exhausted.

He observed and it was still dark. He looked around, eccept yudhishtir, no one were there. He had herd his bhratashri cursing his mother, but couldn't react due to everything that had happened. He knew his jyesht was so angered, that his mother herself would have to bare the fruit of her karma if angraj or rather, his jyesht karn had not accepted them as his brothers and their mother as his own birthmother. He didn't know anything after that, he had gone into a deep slumber due to the soothing caresses of his bhrata bhim on his hair. he didn't know when everybody had left the room, where everybody were, if they had slept or no, he could not even know what time it was.

He saw a Mail servant laying down on the floor and with a great effert, sat up and whispered, what time is it,

The das who had not slept deeply, woke up with arjun's sudden voice. He slowly stood up from the floor and bowed to the Dark skinned prince as he slowly drew the curtons for arjun to see, careful not to Disturb a sleeping yudhishtir. Arjun was sure it was not dawn or even 3:30 in the morning, for yudhishtir would have woken up by then.

"its almost three, rajkumar". The das said humbly as arjun smiled weekly.

"rajkumar, do you need water? Rajkumar krishna had instructed me and Yuvraj to be there with you as he couldn't be there today, for his rajkumar balaram and Rajkumari Subhadra wanted him to be with them and the royal family of dwaraka. Rani devaki's state was not a good one, so,".

The das jently explained as arjun shook his head in a no for the das's question of whether he needed water.

"rajkumar, rajkumar krishna had also instructed me to give you this liquid once you're up".

The das showed the hurbel medicin that his anuj nakul and Sahadev had prepared.

Arjun found out a simple excuse , yes, he knew it was silly.

"I, ". He started taking a deep breath. Yes, he was partly ill and partly a little dramatic and acting as he started to rub his aching head.

"I have a head ache. Don't you see? ". Arjun asked and the Servant nodded.

"its good for your ache , rajkumar arjun, that's what rajkumar krishna had said to tell you if you make this excuse".

The das said, bowing his head both in fear and respect.

"arjun shivered, both by the impact of his feiver and on the thought of drinking that oh so foul liquid.

He felt like throwing up as soon as he thought about the medicin.

He controlled himself and tried making another excuse.

Yudhishtir had awoke by now, hering the hushed voices and saw a sitting arjun who was making faces at the cup of medicin the das held in his hands.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now