going to the port city

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In the Morning, once we had packed up our gear and after a few private talks between Trace-Keith or Flora-Euchre, we were ready to go.

Andri: so you won't come with us.

Euchre: well, moreover I'm free now and I have some business

Andri : oh okay, be careful, okay?

Euchre: sure....... Oh and can I ask something?

Andrew: of course

He smiled

Euchre : have we met before

Andre : eh! Of course not. If yes, then I will feel familiar with you. Why do you ask?

Euchre : heh, nothing. And please take care of Flora, she is my friend.

Andri : eh of course

Euchre: okay, thanks, see you!

Then he left while changing hands towards us

Andri: So.... Where are we going, Keith?

Keith: we're going to the port city to get a ride to my place.

And we started walking towards the port city, through the dense forest.

I hope this journey will be smooth.


Two weeks later, and we were still in the forest.

Andri: just say it Keith, we're lost

Keith: No, I just need a landmark...

Trace: Landmark? The only thing on the map is the word "FOREST." You aren't looking for a giant letter "T" or something are you?

Keith: OK, I'm just having a little trouble navigating here

Andri: do you have a compass?

Keith: uh.... no

Andrew: of course

I also took my compass from my pocket.

Andri: take this, I wonder why you didn't bring something like this.

Keith took my compass and started making adjustments to the map.

Meanwhile, I decided to go into the bush to answer "nature's call"


A few moments later.

Andri: ahhh..... Worldly pleasures

As I went about my business, I listened to the rustling of the bushes beside me.

Andri: uh... Who's there?

Then from the bushes, Flora came out, but she was a little different. But my thoughts were interrupted when I saw where her gaze was heading.

I panicked and put my pants back on.

Andri: Damn Flora! Do you know what privacy is!?

Instead of answering, she pounced on me which I managed to dodge.

Andri: hey, what's wrong, Flora

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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