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---- • Seimi waved a goodbye to her family as she boarded the yacht— owned by the Amawaka house— that will take her back to Tsuchimikado island

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---- • Seimi waved a goodbye to her family as she boarded the yacht— owned by the Amawaka house— that will take her back to Tsuchimikado island. The island where powerful exorcists live, a different world from the main land....

Where magano's most dangerous areas are also located.

"Bye Mimi-nee! I promise I'll become stronger once I see you again!", Mayura declared enthusiastically, earning a large grin from Seimi...I know you will, you're my sister after all...

As the ship yacht sailed towards the sea, Seimi gazed at the water while she leaned on the railings. She took a deep breath and sighed..."I'm glad he didn't die, I would've lost myself if he did..."

Her phone notified a text and she pulled it out of her pocket, she sees the name, "Rooster." She unlocked her phone and chuckled at Shimon's text.

"I don't appreciate you leaving me here with this quack... "

"Be easy on him, Shimon..." she mumbled, but she replied differently, the opposite of what she said. "Don't go easy on him, make him work hard..."

Seimi, the cruel mentor that she is. But despite that, she feels uneasy about what's to come, about what Yuto is planning to do, and about what she'll sacrifice if the time comes...

"I should just enjoy my time for now...before it all falls..." she mumbled to herself as she leans back, hands still gripping on the railings as she pulls her head back to stare at the sky.

It took an hour until the yacht reached the island's docks, and as Seimi walked off of the boat, she is immediately greeted by Amawaka house members make way for her in a deep bow.

"Welcome back, Seimi-Sama!" They greeted enthusiastically, bowing their heads as a sign of great respect. Seimi grew up inside the house of the Amawakas, where Seigen made sure that she would live comfortable with the clan members, but that doesn't mean that clan members would spoil and be soft towards her all the time. This is the Amawaka house after all...

Yuzuru Amawaka— Seigen's younger cousin, and a loyal member of the clan head, bowed to her. "Thank you for getting back safely, Seimi-sama" she said.

Seimi smiled at her, "Aunty, no need to be so formal with me~" she teased. The woman blushed in embarrassment, but she smiled nonetheless. "Alright, Mimi..."

"But not that, call me anything but that..." Seimi chuckled.

Seimi walked on the red carpet prepared for her, in her head she sighed. "No need to be so devoted..."

And at the end of the carpet, she waves her hand at the young man, 9 inches shorter than her. Though he's actually just a year younger, he hopes that someday, somehow, he'll grow much more taller.

𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐄𝐗𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐓 | 𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now