Chapter 3 - Corps Commander Meeting

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Deon sprung up from his bed to feel his neck as if his head was chopped off. Both the Demonic realm and Empire were horrible choices to be, it didn't matter if he was gonna be a commoner please get him out of here!



Ed entered the room with a concerned gaze. Deon could tell that it was a sincere gaze just by looking at how Ed's eye's were slightly shaking.

"Ed... did you come back from your short trip from the human realm?"


"I also got a new cube gadget which is known as a mirror cube."

"So... A Rubik's cube?"

"Pardon Sir Arut... But what is a Rubik's cube?"

"It's nothing, ignore it."

Wow, He kind of forgot that gadgets are called as different things in this world. But he's thankful for Ed bringing different gadgets from the Human Word, although Deon is now used to strange things thanks to his past lives he prefers to have some things from the Human World.

Ed is one of the few demons he is comfortable around, although he is a little violent... And especially after remembering the contents of the novel Deon is more comfortable now rather than being on guard a bit like he used to be.

Ed would also frequent the Human World and come back with trinkets and gadgets for Deon to play with to stave off his boredom when doing paperworks. Especially when doing paperwork.

"I heard that you collapsed again! Are you alright?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine now."

Deon played around with the 'mirror cube' as he listened to Ed's rambling about taking care of his health. Ed really reminds him of a certain ginger who was always on his side...

"How could you be fine?! What could we possibly do about that after-effect in order for you to get better?"

"Probably when in my next life? Ah- there's something I should tell you too."

He should probably tell him about my regenerative ancient power right? He's not sure if they exist in this world but if it can ease his worries... It's also strange how they haven't been rambling inside his head for some time it's making him feel a little lonely and paranoid. Moreover Ed would never lock him up like they would right?

"I have a regenerative ancient power."



Ed looked at Deon in shock with his eyes trembling from the sudden reveal of knowledge that he never knew about.

"Sir Arut, you have ancient powers?"

"I do... quite a few actually, they like to flock around me."

Deon wasn't wrong now was he? Seven out of all of his ancient powers were in the Roan Kingdom! It does make him question whether or not if Roan was secretly a blessed land or something. Actually, he doesn't want to even think about it at all.

The 0th Corps Commander Became Trash! [ TCF x INTKOT ]Where stories live. Discover now