Chapter 6 - A human?

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"Your sleeping habits are so unusual, are all humans like that? I never expected my Zeroth Corps Commander to hug a pillow quite adorably like that."

"...I have nothing to say.."


"Sorry to bother you after waking up but I need to talk to you for a moment."

"This must be able the intruder that was sent after me right?"

"As expected of Arut! Now come with me."

The Demon King dragged Deon out of his room, leading him to a more desolate place before heading down the stairs that lead to the underground prison.

'The underground prison... This is where that guy is at right.. he still hasn't seen my face yet unlike in the novel.'

Deon looked further into the prison, though it seemed empty at least from the inside, tons of leftovers still lingered whether it was clothes, bones, hair, and nails, they were all left behind by deceased prisoners who were stuck in there once. Ultimately that would also be this assassin's fate as well.

"Oh dear, what a mess in here."

Deon hadn't realized they finally had gotten to the cell where the assassin was at, by the time he did the assassin was already staring at him in shock and betrayal.

"Arut, take a look at him. Doesn't he seem familiar? With the sheer willpower to take down demons and that same willpower grows even stronger when it comes to contact with me, the Demon King."

"He must be a Hero or has a hero fragment lingering with him." I already knew that anyways.

Deon 'concluded' his thoughts to the Demon King who also agreed with his words.

"It's not even funny anymore. Sending a Hero to the Demonic Realm?"

"Can you even consider him a Hero? He only carries a small fragment of the Hero's powers."

"I guess we can call him a Hero Candidate, it fits more than calling him a Hero. A Hero wouldn't be this weak."

"I second that."

"However your majesty... I think it'd be great if I could have a nice and gentle chat alone with him."

"Alright, I'll be waiting in the front."

"I won't take too long."

Deon waited until the Demon King had left before turning to the assassin who was still looking at him in disdain.

"...Deon Hart you fucking traitor!"


"How dare you! You earned the trust of the Emperor and became one of the heroes of the Empire. Yet you go and betray them and switch sides to the Demon Realm?!"

"What does.. A mere disposable pawn like you get to say in this?"


"Is your head so small that you cannot think? Why would the Emperor send you here to take out me? You know, too much loyalty will end up backfiring you someday, I guess that someday is today though."

Deon didn't even care about correcting the assassin, the Emperor already knows everything and both the Demon King and the Emperor are fighting each other over him.


"I don't have much time so, you can think about it as you die in vain. Although I'm not sure of what crimes you committed it must have been pretty bad for you to be killed like this. by your own Emperor."

The 0th Corps Commander Became Trash! [ TCF x INTKOT ]Where stories live. Discover now