chapter 1

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Ivy's pov

I was walking home from school to the orphanage with my headphones on so I could be alone with my thoughts. I was thinking about my parents, I know they abused me my whole life, but still they were my parents and I am still sad about their death. Now I live here, in the orphanage on the whole other side of Londen. I thought about the kids in my new school and what they said about me, that I was a waste of space and that is was really fat and should lose weight. I never thought about losing weight, because all I wanted was being the perfect daughter for my parents. To keep my mind distracted I work, like a lot. I work at the library and a café, but I also play volleybal and do Latin in school. When I realise I am at the orphanage I take my headphones of and open the dear. 'I am home' I shout, 'I am in the kitchen' I hear miss Brown yell back. She is the boss in here, she is also very worried about me and my way of coping. I just baked a cake do you want some, she asked. With what the kids at school said in my mind I say ' No thanks, but it smells delicious. 'How was your day' miss Brown ask, 'pretty good actually, I am going to get changed for practice, is that alright? I ask. 'You don't always ask for my permission, you know that right, you are fourteen, almost fiftheen, so go get changed and have fun, are you going te have dinner with us? She asks. No, I am sorry, I have to work after practice, with that I go to my room. I am the only one in here who has here own room because I am the oldest in here, the other children are under the age of ten, but they never stay here long, because they are cute and everyone wants cute children, but no one wants a teenager. So when I am eighteen I am going to live on my own, no adults needed, I never did. Before school I laid my outfit ready, I am not actually a fan of shorts but volleybal is my life and for volleybal I do everything. I make my bag with my clothes for work in it, becaus after practice I am going straight to work at the café, I am the only one who is working tonight, because it is a friday. When I am ready I take my bike and drive to the sporthal, luckily I have a friend in there, Olivia. She never left my side and she said she never will. We went to the changing room and got ready. 'I am so excited for the tournament tomorrow' she says. 'Me to' I answer.

*time skip after practice * ( I didn't had the motivation to write)

'That was exhausting' I say to Olivia, who is changing, 'yeah, but if we wanne be champions than we need that' she says. 'That is true, well I am done here, see you tomorrow?' I ask. 'Sure, have fun at your work' she says, but I don't hear here, I am already a little bit late, when that happend with my parents they would beat me up, because they thought that was unrespectful. Luckily me, my boss wasn't bad at all, she is really kind to me and I actually like her. 'Hi, Ivy' she greats me. 'Hi' I answer, I am sorry for being late, how was your day. 'Pretty good actually, she say, and you don't have to be sorry for being late, it is a human thing, I don't mind it, I know you come from practice. But I have to leave now, if you don't mind' she says. I don't mind, I say, have fun. 'Thanks honney'. When she is gone I go stand behind the bar and just trow my backpack on the side. There aren't a lot of customers today so I have time to start my homework. I am almost ready when I realised that it was closing time, I had to get op really early for my tournament. When I was done closing the doors I put my headphones on and started riding to the orphanage. I was exhausted and started sleeping direct. I wake up by my alarm at 5:30, way to early if you ask me, but for volleyball I do anything. When I am ready I pack my bag and go downstairs. 

Downstairs is miss Brown making breakfast for the younger kids, when I wanted to grab something to eat "you don't need that, Vy", she says, knowing I hate it when someone else use that nickname, only my dad can use it. "I told you to not call me that again, you know only my dad can" I say still hurt from what she said before that I didn't need to eat, what if she is true.


sorry for the short chapter, I have a lot of work for school and I have to leave for practice, also sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language.

Remember to eat, sleep, drink and I love you all



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