Chapter 5: Shopping

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Next day:-

Tara wakes up early today because she slept more yesterday and see the time, it is 7 am so she yawns and step out of the bed and take a shower for 20 mins and come out in bathrobe, stand in front of her closet and getting confused what to wear. Then something caught her attention, so she takes it out and started to get ready. She wears wide lag jeans and crop top and tie her hair in rough bun, add some jewelry like earring stud, bracelet, watch and shoes... and comes out of her room see that both are still not come out, so she thought to make breakfast and coffee. And placed it on table and go to others room to wake them up...

 And placed it on table and go to others room to wake them up

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Aadhya's room:-

Tara come and see that the door is open, so she goes in and see that bed is empty, so she was about to go but heard click and see that Aadhya come out of the bathroom and is already ready...

Tara: ready or anything is remained...

Aadhya: no ready let's go and wake that Kumbhakaran up otherwise she will not wake up... (slightly laugh)

Tara: I know right... let's go... (chuckling)

They come out and walk towards Mahira's room and knock but the door was open...

Mahira's room:-

Aadhya: see I tell you she is sleeping like a log... (rolling her eyes)

Tara: let's do something... (winking)

Aadhya: what is the plan... (excitedly)

Tara whisper something in her ears... and both laugh slightly keeping their hand on their mouth...

Aadhya goes to bathroom and take out a tub fill with water and splash on Mahira...

Mahira: tsunami..tsunami..... please save me Tara Aadhya... (wake up)

Tara and Aadhya started to laugh loudly seeing her situation...

Mahira gets confused first but then she understands who did that and glared both of them...

Tara: get up lazybones we have to go to shopping and then we will go for movie let's go now and get ready fast... (say excitedly)

Mahira sees her and smile slightly and look at Aadhya and she gesture her that she is okay now and Mahira sigh in relief... move to the bathroom to get ready...

They move to the dining table and do their breakfast with chatting. Out of blue Tara's phone ring and it was Karan's phone...

Tara: hallo bhai... (screaming excitedly)

Karan: why are you screaming idiot... (getting annoy)

Tara: why did you call me... (ignoring)

Karan: mom was asking about you that's why...

Tara: ohhh tell her that I will come at night because we are going for shopping and then movie... (excitedly)

Karan: okay enjoy and take care of yourself bye bye... and cut the call...

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