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"We can buy you some clothes there, don't worry" Lando told me over the phone

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"We can buy you some clothes there, don't worry" Lando told me over the phone.

When I was in the mist of packing my suitcase, I suddenly realized that I had barely brought any summer clothing with me.

"I'll survive without it's fine, when do I need to be ready?" I asked Lando. He was already spending too much money on me, I wasn't going to let him spoil me even further.

"Please don't murder me" Lando responded, his smile hearable through the phone.

"Oh god Lando" I mumbled in a sigh, but a smile lingered against my lips.

"30 minutes.." He quietly admitted.

"THIRTY MINUTES?!" I exclaimed, immediately sitting up from my bed. I hadn't even gotten dressed yet, and I needed to do both hair and makeup before we left.

"Yeahh" Lando dragged out the word with a little laugh. "I'll be parked in front of your hotel at 9" He said brightly, then hung up before I could argue any further.

I let out a stressed sigh, but I couldn't stop smiling.

─── ───

"Quick just drop it in the trunk, we're in a rush!!" Lando exclaimed from the rolled down car window, as I came out of my hotel.

I was 5 minutes late, my god.

I did as he said, before I practically ran to the passengers seat. I hadn't even gotten the time to put on my seatbelt, before Lando speeded out of the parking lot.

Once we'd gotten out of the city, Lando relaxed more, putting on music, just like the last time we drove together.

"We'll be at the airport in 10 minutes" He said with his sweet smile, glancing away from the road and over at me.

"Are you excited?" He asked, but I was sure he already knew the answer. My face exposed me, a wide grin glued to my mouth.

"Very, but I'm dying to know where we're going" I answered, leaning back in the comfortable leather seat.

Lando's smile grew. "I guess you'll have to suffer then, because I'm not telling you anything" He responded, a playful smile creeping up his lips.

I jokingly grunted, as I rested my head against the seat. Where could we possibly be going? "Is it warm there?" I asked, searching for more clues.

"Emma I told you to bring summer clothes.." Lando answered, looking over at me with a grin. I grinned back, I just needed the confirmation.

Playboy  | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now