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As the sun started setting in the distance, me and Lando finished the dinner, completely overfilled with countless of different dishes

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As the sun started setting in the distance, me and Lando finished the dinner, completely overfilled with countless of different dishes.

"This was ama-" I began to say, but Lando didn't let me finish.

"Didn't you say you wanted to feel like a royal?" He mentioned with a sly grin. "We are not done yet" He stated, standing up from his chair, and offering me a hand.

I accepted it, looking at him curiously. We weren't done? I took one last glance at this absolutely gorgeous restaurant, before Lando led us out.

As we stood in the elevator, leaning against the wall, Lando studied my face, and body. "You know, buying you dresses might be the best investment ever" He remarked, his hand finding my hip.

"Oh come on Lando," I said. "It is the best investment" I told him, bringing my lips up to his with a grin.

Lando softly laughed into the kiss, cupping my face inside his hands. His hips pressed against mine and, god, all I wanted was to take that suit off him...

"Did you enjoy the dinner?"

I pulled away from Lando to find the elevator door wide open, the woman from earlier staring at us with a strained, very uncomfortable, smile.

My whole face burned red. "Yes, it was delicious" Lando answered, somehow not faced by this incredibly awkward situation.

Unable to say anything, Lando literally had to pull me out of the restaurant with him. The second we stepped outside I escaped a breathy, half scream-half miserable laugh.

"That was so awkward" I exclaimed, digging my blushing face into Landos shoulder.

"I'm just mad she interrupted the kiss" Lando responded, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"You would've continued kissing with her watching?" I asked, looking up at him skeptically.

"I would've done a lot more than just kissing if I'd gotten the chance" Lando replied, with a cocky smile.

I scoffed, but I was unable to hide my smile from him. I glanced to the side,  "Playboy" I muttered under my breath.

Lando immediately grabbed my hips, pulling my back against his chest. His soft laugh sounded my ears. "I heard that" He whispered into my neck, his nose brushing against my skin.

─── ───

"Why are we standing here Lando?" I asked, slightly worried, extremely excited. We were standing on a plain lawn, literally there was just grass.

"Just wait.." He answered, smiling sweetly with his hands dug into his pockets. Just as he was about to wrap his arms around me, his phone rang.

Playboy  | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now