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Me and Lando stayed in the exact same position in the pool for what felt like hours

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Me and Lando stayed in the exact same position in the pool for what felt like hours. No words being exchanged, just embracing each other as we quietly let the tears fall.

"Last day.." Lando announced with a sigh, once we'd gotten ourselves together. His hair was curling messily on his head, still slightly wet.

Last day in paradise. When the day was over, it'd be time to head home, to go back to reality. And never in my life had I dreaded anything more.

All I wanted to do was stay with Lando, in this unreal part of the world.

"Do we have any plans?" I asked as Landos arm rested around my shoulder, both of us staring out at the view from the patio.

"That's your decision" Lando answered, finally letting his usual, sweet smile creep up his lips. "You've got 3 options" He added, holding up three fingers:

"Number 1, we do absolutely nothing. We can watch a movie, eat some delicious food, stay in bed all day" Lando started, his smile growing larger by the second.

"Number 2, we go exploring in this area. There's a beautiful beach not far away, and there's some really nice restaurants" Lando proposed.

"Number 3, we invite everyone over here, have one last night together as the whole group. We can hang out at the pool, order food.." Lando suggested, and by the way we were both smiling, it was clear which one I was choosing.

"Number 3 please" I replied with a wide smile, leaning in to press my lips against Landos. We both smiled through the gentle kiss, the mood finally being lifted.

Lando softly pulled away, his hands in my hair. "I'll order a helicopter for them right now" He said, the phone already in his hand.

"And while we wait for them to arrive," Lando whispered, leaning in with a sly grin. "You can join me in the shower"

I grinned. I wasn't going to turn that down.

─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───

The second I saw Ava, I jumped into her arms as if we hadn't seen each other for years. I swear I could never get tired of that girl.

Before I even got to speak, Archie pulled me away from her, pulling me into his arms. I immediately grinned. He didn't usually show affection like this.

"Wow someone's really misse-" I began to say, but Archie purposely muffled my voice in his shoulder, embracing me inside his massive arms.

"Shut up and enjoy the moment Em" He mumbled under his breath, causing me to cackle. But I did as he said.

As we pulled away again, Archie wrapping his arm around my shoulder, I noticed the way Lando looked at us.

Playboy  | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now