CHAPTER 34 •||Jihoon is not....||•

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I know she must have gone to see jihoon after everything happened but, I don't know why I have a feeling she's somewhere else,somewhere if I didn't reach as soon as possible,I'll regret .I don't know where I'm actually going.I am just running everywhere just to get a glipmse of my cupcake,to make sure she's okay because if she leaves this time,I don't think I'll be able to live.No, I'm sure about that.

10 years ago when I came here,I was a lonely child. I hated connecting with others,I hated making friends. I used to pick up fights and the reason I had to shift here. My mom died giving birth to me,my dad never acknowledged me,never loved me. It was only hyung who had been my mother and a father until yn came into my life and made me realised I deserved to be loved. She had loved me like no one else,she had made me alive.

Although, when yn left and dad got to know about my miserable state he started being active in our life and it wasn't until yn left me I felt the pain my dad had went through due to my mom's death. His actions weren't right but I know how it feels like when someone you love leave you.

That was the reason I didn't wanted any child because I was afraid of loosing yn just like how my dad lose my mom. But after Aecha was born, I realised how wrong I was. About what I was missing. Aecha gave me a reason to live in this life. I don't know if I deserved to be her godfather,but she's my god daughter,my miracle and I'll always be grateful for that little joy.


(Hyejin reached the school just as when school got over, she saw Aecha standing at the gate but...her face, she looked sad. Hyejin immediately ran to her)

Hyejin: Aecha, sweetheart wh-

(Aecha immediately hugged her and started crying)

Aecha: Eomma, you are's go fast.. Jihoon, he.. he-

Hyejin: Aecha, Relax.. What happened? why are you crying? And what about jihoon?

Aecha: Eomma....when it was our lunch break, godmother came to the school and was taking jihoon with her. Jihoon started crying and godmother left him.. Since then jihoon is crying asking to go home. Eomma, go and talk to teacher's. Jihoon is crying alot..

Hyejin: Shh Aecha, I'll go and talk okay? stop crying.. let's go..

They went inside , while hyejin messaged jimin and taehyung informing about what happened in school. When she was about to turn towards Aecha's floor, Aecha stopped her..

Aecha: Eomma, he's in above staffroom.

Hyejin: ohh.. why there?

Aecha: Because, it's his teacher's staffroom. He is in 1 class above me na..

Hyejin(shocked): He's older than you?

Aecha: yes didn't kn- wait leave that. We need to go to him eomma.

Hyejin: yes, yess let's go..

But hyejin couldn't remove the thought that Jihoon is one year older than Aecha which means he must be born around when hyejin and others might have just started their 12th standard or nearby that time. But how's this possible? Unless...jihoon is not yn's- baby?

When they reached the staffroom, hyejin removed the thought and went inside. She saw jihoon crying, screaming "I need to go to my eomma" . Hyejin went towards jihoon and bend down so that she's at his level.

Hyejin: Jihoon-ah, you want to go to meet your eomma?

Jihoon immediately looked at her and nodded, his face red with all crying.

Hyejin: I'm your eomma's bes-(she stopped and corrected herself) school fr-

Jihoon- I kn..know you.. Eomma.. eomma told me.. you and....and jimin uncle are her bestfriend's. Will you take me to her? Please. I need to go to her. she's hurt..she..eomma..

Hyejin: shh, I'll take youu..let me just talk to the teacher okay?

Jihoon nodded and Hyejin talked to the teachers who said yn told them to leave jihoon with either Aecha's Parents or Mr seokjin and Dr Aera.

Meanwhile Aera went to jin's house because she knows he locks himself there whenever something is going on.She didn't rang the bell ,instead use the spare key and went in the direction of gaming room. That's what jin always do,get himself lost in games so that he can forget about everything else.

Aera: Jin!!ba-

Jin(without looking away from screen): Not now Aera! Go away...

Aera: I'm not leaving ...

Jin: Aera,please leave...

Aera went to him and stand between him and his screen stopping him from playing the game...Moving closer, she cupped his face, making him look at her.He looked away,minute's passed by before he spoke, his voice breaking little by little, showing how hurt he is-

Jin: she took advantage of us,of me and I became the reason why my brother is in pain again.

Aera: she didn't and you know it...

Jin: she did...she thought it'll be easy to go through with us and -

Aera(cried): Jin,what's wrong with you?Don't you know what she's been through?She didn't even knew you are tae's brother then how could've she took advantage of you?

Jin: she knew Aera,she knew...

Aera: Did you tell her?

Jin: No

Aera: Have you ever mentioned tae's name in front of her?Have you ever told her your brother tae teaches in the college she's going in?

(Jin got silent and didn't replied. He knows Aera is right but he's still not ready to accept that.)

Aera: she was your brother. The reason her father married her..It wasn't in her hands, she didn't wanted to leave but she was forced to. do you think any girl will choose that life which yn had been through?

Jin: Pregnant?But jihoon is not her child-

Aera: He's not...

Jin: Then where's her and tae's ch-

Aera: Misscarrige because of that asshole from whom you are trying to free jihoon...



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