CHAPTER 35•||Promise,little buddy||•

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I was about to turn in another street when I saw a crowd in a bakery shop and that's when I remembered something. "Hae-sook Halmoni" dammit, how can I forgot to check halmoni's bakery. That bakery and the hills behind that has always been yn's hideout place.

I immediately ran towards halmoni's place hoping I will find her there today.

As soon as Aera finishes telling jin the whole story ,he regretted everything he said to yn,he regretted for being an asshole,for treating yn like that even when he already knew how her marriage has been,what she has been through. 

Meanwhile Hyejin has bring jihoon home who has been continuously crying and screaming to take him to his eomma. Jimin reached as soon as he got to know about jihoon and even called Aera and jin . 

On reaching jimin's home ,jin immedietely embraced jihoon in his arms who hasn't stopped crying.

Jihoon:- Jinjin,eomma where's she?why are they not taking me to her. You know where she's right? Please take me to her. She...she needs me. He...he will hur-

Jin:- Little champ,you trust your jinjin right? Your eomma is safe,and he won't hurt her. He'll never jihoon-ah. He's very far and he'll never come near you and your eomma. I promise.

Jihoon:- Then why did eomma came to school today?what happened?where's she? 

Jin:- Little champ trus-

Jihoon(shouting):- I want to go to her. You all are lying. 

Aera:- Jihoon-ah,you know we we'll never lie to yo-

Jihoon:- Then take me to eomma RaRa. Please Rara,take me to eomma..she needs me. I know..

{Meanwhile Aecha who has been crying in a corner seeing jihoon like this and feeling helpless for not able to stop him cry. She tried calling tae again and again but his phone wasn't reachable. Just as she thought she won't be able to reach taehyung, the call gets connected and hearing her godfather's voice broke her more}

Taehyung(spoke while breathless due to running): Aecha, sweetheart what's wrong?are you crying?

Aecha: Godfather where are you?Godmother and jihoon..they-

Taehyung(stopped running); what happened to them?Is your godmother there?

Aecha: No, I guess...she..she's missing godfather and jihoon is not stopping crying. 

(Taehyung didn't reply because he didn't know what to say but his heart broken when Aecha whispered his name in broken and scared voice as if she is afraid to say something)

Aecha: Godfather..

Taehyung: yes sweetheart?

Aecha: did..did godmother left again??will she-

Taehyung: No (he immedietely said). Godmother didn't left aecha. Now tell me is jihoon with you ?

Aecha: Yes, he is at our home. Eomma,appa and jin uncle,Aera aunty are also here but he is not stopping crying and is asking to take him to godmother. 

Taehyung: can you give the phone to jihoon ,Aecha?

Aecha immedietely took the phone to jihoon who refuses to talk. Aecha told him it's for his eomma so he immedietely wiped his tears and took the phone from her.

Jihoon: Eomma,wh-

Taehyung: Hi buddy...

Jhoon(took a moment before realising who he is): Eomma's professor?

Taehyung: You remember me.I knew it. Your eomma said you have forgotten about me and I said you didn't.See you haven't forgotten me and now your eomma just lost the bet buddy.

Jihoon: My eomma is with you?

Taehyung: oh yes! I called to tell you this only. Actually, since your eomma didn't came to college in the morning she missed her test and now she had to give that test. So she's doing that right now. She was upset she didn't get to inform you about it so I told her I'll let you know.

Jihoon: She had Test today?

Taehyung: Yes, Little buddy your Eomma is getting very irresponsible. I feel like I really need to punish he-

Jihoon: No professor. Please don't say anything to Eomma. I told her no to go today. I'm sorry.

Taehyung(thinking): yn you raised the perfect boy, baby. My heart swells on seeing him protecting you,caring for you at every step. Where the hell did you went leaving this precious boy out here?

Taehyung: I won't buddy. Since,you made me win the bet with your Eomma by remembering me,I'll forgive your Eomma. 

Jihoon: Eomma's professor..she's really with you?

Taehyung: Yes buddy,why would I lie to you? She's doing test right now,do you want to talk to her?

Jihoon: No, when will her test will get over?

Taehyung: I don't know about that buddy but she'll be back before dinner.You know why?

Jihoon: why?

Taehyung: Because your Eomma lost the bet and now she owes me a dinner. 

Jihoon:  Dinner?

Taehyung: yes, after your Eomma's test get over ,we'll go and have dinner today. You excited to have dinner with me Little buddy? Because I'm excited to meet you.

Jihoon: you'll bring her right? Promise?

Taehyung's heart breaks on seeing jihoon so scared and worried for yn but he hides it and managed to speak-

Taehyung: Yes little buddy. I promise.

Taehyung don't know how he'll bring  yn before dinner but he'll do whatever it takes to fulfill his promise to his little buddy.After talking to taehyung,jihoon looked relaxed , he might not have been fully convinced that yn is with him but taehyung's words assured him,he knew he'll see his Eomma before dinner all fine.He wanted to believe taehyung,don't know why but he wanted to so he did and waited patiently for his Eomma.

Meanwhile just when the atmosphere was all relaxed , a message on jin's phone created the havoc again.Just when they thought everything will be okay, the context of the message jin received made them doubt everything and the fear of something bad is going to happen was fully visible on their face.


What message did jin received? And from WHOM?


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