14. (18+) The Submission

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Dhiraj stopped. But the puppy's pitiful and hurt eyes kept staring at his mate.

"~why?~" the alpha muttered in a heart breaking tone. Of course he was disappointed. He had been so patient. Doesn't a good dog deserve a reward?

And those eyes made the always-so-proud-kitty feel sooooooo guilty. Nakul's brows arched as he understood that contemplation. But what can he do? A part of him was still.....not ready. A bit scared?!

But before Nakul could react, the alpha realized his hasty reaction. What? What why? I shouldn't ask him WHY? Only moments ago I assured him that we will go with his pace. I can't......I shouldn't be like this....!

Suddenly his demeanor shifted. He placed Nakul to his side while being kind of ashamed at how he was lusting uncontrollably after his mate. I shouldn't be so ungodly. Making him do things that he doesn't want to. What will he think of me? That I cannot even control myself? That I go back on my word? Fuck!

Still embarrassed of his undignified behavior, his mind simply wanted to get out of that situation. Also because his member was still somewhat raging due to that.....spine tingling stimulation.

Now Nakul wasn't a telepath. So he naturally assumed that Dhiraj was leaving because he had been denied.

No. I....want to see him satisfied.

He ran towards Dhiraj, stopping him by holding his hand. Dhiraj stopped. Somewhat startled.

"What?" The alpha enquired; half mad, half irritated, half frustrated and half ashamed.

"Are you mad at me?"

Now......it wasn't that Dhiraj was not not mad. He kind of was. But maybe frustrated-kind-of-mad was the right emotion.

"Noooooooo." He tried denying but his tone gave away his true emotions as he somewhat pouted. 

Awwwww! Pouty baby! Nakul's heart couldn't help but squeak a bit. And the next second he held Dhiraj's hand in his. He looks like a little kid. So adorable. His endearing eyes kept staring at his alpha, knowing what he should do next.

"I'm sorry we can't do what you wanted. But.......we can try something else." The kitty teased the alpha.

"What?" Dhiraj asked, still pouting. And his question was answered by Nakul's actions.

Suddenly to Nakul, Dhiraj appeared as someone he could rely on. And all he simply wanted to do was something that would please the alpha.

So even though Dhiraj was only a few inches taller than Nakul, Nakul stood on his heels, closing the gap between him and his mate, as he placed a soft, innocent little peck on his alpha's lips.


Dhiraj's eyes widened, surprised by the unexpected kiss. What's he doing? He couldn't help but question. He kept staring at his mate, a bit stunned and confused but waiting for him to explain what had taken place.

Nakul 's lips curled up at that confused look that his alpha wore. He teased the poor mutt more.

"Let's try something else." Still locking their fingers, Nakul leaned towards Dhiraj's ears as he whispered, "~something that you will like!~"

He broke away. Fingers still intertwined. And said, "Stand still." His tone had an underlayer of a command. And Dhiraj being the faithful mutt that he was, obeyed. He stood still.

Nakul placed another light peck on Dhiraj's lips, giggling a little as he felt that he was 16 all over again, experiencing his 1st love. That most certainly was his 1st love.

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