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"Where's axe?" Micheal asked.

"That sucked!" Axe grunted making his way towards us.

"They fuck- they Fucking shot me!" Danny admit behind him.

"Well I think I found them." I smiled lightly.

"Good work Moore." Micheal smiled.

"Living in the past Danny we have to focus on now." Micheal nodded.

"Well I mean we're all shot!" Marcus admit.

"Can you fight?" I asked.

"They messed up my drawing hand... that pisses me off."  Danny admit.

I'll take that for a yes.

"All right we're good." Micheal nods.

"We just have to flat ground then we take those motherfuckers! That's it." Marcus spoke sternly.

We caught our breath for a few seconds but it wasn't long until they found us. The Taliban men began yelling and there was a bing explosion. Shots were being fired and I didn't even have my rifle.

"Fuck!" Micheal yelled.

Micheal got shot in the toe, it seemed painful but my bone was sticking out my knee. I couldn't even do much.

"My fucking foot!" Micheal cried.

"Fuck this sucks!" Danny shouted.

I saw my gun at the bottom of the cliff. I tried to crouch down and grab it but I immediately fell to my knee.

"Fuck!" I cried.

I tried to get up but the more I pressure on my leg the more I bled out. I wasn't a quitter, no matter much I wanted to, my mom would never let me quit. I could never deal with the guilt that I didn't finish something I started.

I took a deep breath before trying to push myself up. I screamed and I cried as I got on my knee and tried to stand up. Pain was only temporary. I panted as I went to go for my gun and turn around. It was like the world around me had went on pause. I could only hear my heartbeats in that moment but when I turned around all of sudden I heard the sounds of shooting.

"Fuck you!" Danny screamed as he shot them.

I limped my way back as I saw daniel get shot in front of me.

"Oh fuck! It burns!" He gritted through his teeth.

"Danny..." Marcus called out.

"I can fight." He nods.

"Way to go buddy." Micheal panted shooting at the Taliban.

I grabbed the few grenades I had left and threw it at them... or at least I thought I was. But as soon I threw one they threw them right back.

"Grenade!" I yelled ducking.

A huge explosion went off behind us. We were ounce again outnumbered with no contact to our base.

"Peel left!" Micheal yelled.

"Peel left!" Marcus repeated.

"Last man!" Axe yelled.

"You okay!" Marcus asked axe.

"I'm good!" He nods.

They ran down towards the trail but the Taliban followed us now coming out of their hiding spots rapidly.

"Moore go!" Micheal yelled in between shots.

"I'm not leaving you!" I admit shooting at the man.

"Duck!" I shout.

He ducked and I shot the man behind him twice.

"Cmon! We have to move!" I shouted.

We limped off to find them and I saw blood On the tree branches. I'm assuming it was danny's. Micheal Held an arm over my body to protect me from getting shot. We caught up to them and there was a huge explosion knocking axe and I to the ground. The trees were slowly catching on fire.

"Cmon we have to move!" Micheal panicked.

I tried to get up but my knee was giving out. I took micheal's hand and pulled myself up. Axe grabbed on to michaela as well and lifted himself up. Danny was in the back gasping and panting and he sounded like he was taking some of his last breaths.

"Go go! I'll catch up." I assured.

"Joshlynn I'm not leaving you here!" He admit.

"Micheal! Go!" I demand.

He looked at me with a look I never seen before but I had never raised my voice at him.

"Hey buddy, you okay!" I asked.

"I can fight." He gasped for air.

I took his gun and threw the strap around my arm. I took his arms and placed it on my shoulder as we limped through the trail. The Taliban fire only got worse. By me helping Danny, it put more pressure on my knee and I could barely even continue. Since we were moving at a slower pace then the rest a shot hit Danny on his leg knocking him down pretty hard.

"Danny!" I shouted.

"Fuck!" Marcus came back.

"Get him up!" Marcus grabbed his vest.

Marcus and I tried to pick him up but it was no use. He picked Danny up by the vest and hauled him down the rest of the trail. I panted grabbing his gun and tossing it to him while I tried my best to catch up to them.

"Come on!" Marcus pulled him.

Danny was shooting around but there was nothing to shoot it. We were fucked, this was bad and we knew it.

Another explosion went off and I was shot in my shoulder.

"Fuck!" I cried.

I panted for a breath now looking around to see that they were far ahead in front of me. I could see them just not enough of them. I limped my way down to the end of the trail trying to find my way back to them.

"Moore!" A familiar voice yelled.

"Moore?" It began getting closer.

"Here!" I yelled.

Micheal came running over.

"Hey cmon you have to push!" He admit.

Micheal put me over his shoulder before running through the trail. My body felt dizzy and drained, I didn't feel like I could help with much. He placed me down.

"You have to do the rest!" He panted.

I gave him a nod. When we panicked over to where the group was they Picking Danny up started hauling him back to the tree.

"Get him up! Get him up!" Marcus ordered.

They finally grabbed Danny up and began walking him up a mountain.


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