Act I

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Whenever the " 🎵 " symbol is shown, that's a song that matches with the chapter!

The phone rings seemingly endlessly. This might be like the 47th time is has rung so far, at least I think so. I wonder if I should even answer it, but I only finally decide to, just to get it to stop. As I pick it up, I listen to the voice on the other like speak first.

"Marion, what's up with you? You've been isolating yourself lately, are you okay?" The voice says, concern clear in its voice.

I keep quiet for a minute while I muster up the courage to come up with a response, but mid-thought, the voice speaks up again.

🎵 Five Feet High and Rising, by Johnny Cash 🎵

"Hello? Are you there, Marion? I know you can hear me." They say, concern growing in their tone.

"I'm here, I'm here." I repeat. "I'm fine, Louis. I.. I've just been dealin' with some shit lately, that's all." I say dryly, trying to get the person on the other line off my ass. It's hard to fake even a slightly happy tone to sway them. I hear a sigh as they go to answer.

"I can tell something's wrong. I'm coming over. I'll be there in ten." The phone hangs up, and I sigh to myself, putting it down on my bed.

The voice on the other line was my friend, Louis, a French boy I met back in middle school. He came here from France — Bordeaux, to be more specific — and since then, he kind of incorporated himself into my friend group, but none of us seemingly had any issue with it, and it was like he had been there the whole time without fail.

I've considered him family since that day on, and when he tried talking to us in English, God, was it bad. We could barely understand him until one day, my best friend (and soon-to-be crush) Anathema Roth'tuxan decided to help him learn English more. She knew French pretty well, so for the first few weeks, she was pretty much the only one who could talk to him — we used her as a human translator so we could talk to him.

Not too long after that, Louis learned English pretty well — and so well, now, that he's started to pick up what we say, and how we say it.

Ten minutes go by, and there's a knock at our front door. I head downstairs to answer the knock and open the door, and standing there is Louis with his hands on his hips. So sassy, I thought.

There was one thing I learned about French people when I met Louis — and that was how readable they are — specifically their body language. Not to mention how full of sass he was. He pushes past me and walks inside, heading upstairs to my room without saying a word, and I close the door behind him as I follow along.

"What's wrong? And don't you dare try to lie to me, Marion." Louis says, keeping his hands on his hips as he stares at me. One other thing I've learned about French people — mostly Louis — is that they're very straightforward. I kind of mosey towards the bed and sit on the edge of it, avoiding eye contact with him.

"I told you already, Louis, I'm fine. I've just been off my game lately, that's all, really." I try to find any excuse to get him off my back, and it seems to work for a minute, before Louis lets out a long sigh, taking his hands off of his hips and he went to sit beside me, taking my hand in his. He was always very touchy, regardless of who he was being touchy with — but he never meant it in any malicious or crude way, this was just how he showed people he cared about what they told him.

"You're not. I can tell you're lying, mon ami. You've never been good at lying, y'know." Louis shakes his head. He pats the top of my hand with his own. "You know I'm someone you can tell anything, and I'd never tell another soul. I want you to be honest with me, Mari."

I haven't heard that nickname in years. Louis and Anathema — sometimes our other friend, Maisy — called me that in middle school, and since then, I guess they've mostly forgotten about that name.

I let out a soft sigh as I give in to his words. I know they're coming from his heart, so I really have no other choice but to tell him how I'm feeling.

"It's just.. so.. so goddamn aggravating — I feel like everyone I know is fake.. and I don't even know why. It feels like nothin' I do matters to anyone." I ramble, forgetting to catch my breath before I finally finish my words, then I gasp softly for air. Louis seems to get closer to me than before, letting go of my hand, then bringing me into a tight hug. I didn't realize that I had tears flowing down my cheeks until I felt my face growing hot due to the tears seemingly burning my cheeks as though it was hot magma flowing down the side of a volcano.

"Mari.. I'm so sorry you feel this way.. but I understand how you feel. You need to know that you're not alone in this, and that you'll always have someone to tell how you're feeling. I will always be by your side, no matter what happens. Okay?" He says to me in a soft, caring tone, and yet again I know that his words are truly coming from his heart. Louis really is one of my best friends, and most favourite person in my life. He gives me a soft and comforting smile as he rubs my back whilst continuing the hug for a moment longer, before he finally lets go.

"Thanks, Louis. Where would I be without you?"

"God only knows, Mari, God only knows."

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