chapter 12

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Meanwhile Seonghwa and Hongjoong were peacefully sleeping on the bed when Hongjoong started to flinch

Seonghwa POV

I was peacefully sleeping on the bed with Hongjoong when I felt the bed move, I opened my eyes seeing the outline of Hongjoong's body flinching in the bed

"N-No leave me alone...!"

His flinches continued and silent sobs were heard, I quickly realized that Hongjoong was having a nightmare, I moved closer to him carefully placing my hands on his shoulders gently shaking them

" Hongjoong"

His sobs continued and I shook his shoulders once again calling out his name

" Hongjoong"

His sobs stopped and I heard his voice


A small smile formed on my face even though he couldn't see it, I wrapped my arms around him gently caressing his hair

" It's ok Hongjoong, it was just a nightmare, i'm here"

He hugged me immediately, I continued to caress his hair until he relaxed in my arms but he kept his arms around me I moved my lips towards the top of his head gently pecking it


As the hours passed by at night Hongjoong didn't flinch one bit while he was in Seonghwa's arms

Slowly sunlight entered through the window of the room causing Seonghwa to open his eyes, he carefully removed his arms from around HJ body

He looked next to him seeing Hongjoong still sleeping, he softly smiled gently pecking Hongjoong's forehead

Hongjoong quietly groaned waking up smiling looking at Seonghwa

" Good morning Seonghwa"

A bright smile spread across the said male's face hearing Hongjoong say his first name without stuttering

" Hongjoong, can I say something to you?"

Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa with curious filled eyes

" All of those days I went to the cafe with San to get a coffee, I slowly realized something... I was falling in love with a barista "

Seonghwa paused seeing tears well up in Hongjoong's eyes

" Hongjoong... will you be my boyfriend ?"

Hongjoong tears released which turned into sobs, he slowly started to nod his head

Seonghwa grabbed his face gently making Hongjoong look up at him

The male wiped away the tears staining his face leaning closer to Hongjoong's lips

The other male understood nodded his head, without wasting time Seonghwa placed his lips on Hongjoong gently kissing him

The now new couple moved their lips against each others, after a few minutes Hongjoong pulled away from the kiss feeling a small blush spread across his face 

He suddenly covered his face feeling his blush grow across his cheeks,  Hongjoong heard Seonghwa chuckle next to him in the bed 

"Your so cute Hongjoong, come on let's go downstairs for breakfast"

The said male nodded his head removing his hands from his face getting up from the bed 

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