interesting encounters

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Daniel Park was interesting. By now it was obvious to you he was pretty timid, but friendly if his easy-going smile and gentle voice were anything to go by. He was quickly pampered and swamped with Zoe Park's attention, one of the prettiest girls you've yet to see.

she reminded you of a well-kept poodle, she was always well-dressed and groomed, her hair done, her makeup light and she smelt amazing every day. sadly her personality was that of an over-eager bird waiting for her moment to strike. despite this however she never really went out of her way to pick on you so, selfishly, you decided she was a good enough person.

"oh, Daniel you're so cute!" the girl giggles fakely for the 5th time since break started, her body bent over his desk, pushing her bum in your direction while you tried to do your homework diligently. drafts of outfits you'd never actually make or properly plan in your notebook, despite being in the fashion class here at J-high, you appeared to be the only one here who did any actual designing.

you sigh tiredly when the girl coos at the boy's handsomeness for the millionth time, growing irked with her. But instead of growing a backbone and telling her to go back to her seat, you decide to just up and leave for the last 20 minutes of break which would lead to another hour of nothing since the teachers were seemingly nowhere to be found.

exiting the loud classroom you stride down the hall with a melody bouncing around your head. students line the long corridors, talking animatedly and never really noticing you as you weave around larger groups with ease.

passing the baking course's classroom you inhale the sweet aromas around you, the vocalist classes nearby were similar to fashion but louder somehow as they laughed and tapped loudly, you covered your ears as you quickly maneuvered out of their area in the school.

you make it outside, breathing in the clear air as you quickly trot over to one of the trees in the courtyard. the weather had been nice presently. sun bright and warm paired with a peaceful breeze. As you sit in the shade you bask in the warmth of the day with closed eyes, silence surrounding you for the first time since you got to school.

a soft voice makes you open your eyes, shockingly enough the beautiful blue of the afternoon sky was a romantic orange and pink, and the sun was setting.

glancing around you feel shocked noises escape you

"Excuse me?" the gentle voice calls out again making you look right in front of you where it came from and- HA!

Daniel smiles shyly as he waves a hand in front of you, pretty lips part to show off his perfect white teeth and- damn it! how can someone be so handsome?

"Sorry, I saw you were missing from class since the break and didn't want you to get robbed out here..." he explained when he noticed your shocked expression not budging on your face. stiffly you grab your things nodding at the boy as you stand up hurriedly

"Thanks!" you smile nervously, glasses slipping off the bridge of your nose, bangs tickling your cheek

the boy stands with you, looking about to say something before you cut him off "I- um, I should go! I've got work! thanks! again!" you stutter before darting around him, skillfully escaping as you run off school grounds. daniel watches, sweatdropping as his hand clenches and unclenches around the glittery hair clip in his hand.

'was I asleep for that long?! Really?' you whine in your head, holding your hand close to your chest as you feel the urge to squeal 'he was so close! he's dangerous!' you decide while sprinting home heart racing and face flushed.

you didn't actually work, you probably should since you really didn't do anything else but go home and study but in this area, it was pretty common to come across other students from school so you got pretty nervous running around, even though they'd never acknowledged you you've seen how they treat some of the weaker kids and its never been pretty.

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