ObaMitsu (relationship hc's!!) 🐍🌸

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most probably my favorite canon ship<3

(some of the things I wrote in the SaneObaGiyuu about Iguro apply to this too :3)

These two are probably the more naïve and silly types in their relationship

They're new to all of this shit and don't know what they're doing 99% of the time

Mitsuri goes to Shinobu for relationship advice and Obanai to Sanemi-

They're both the type to get flustered in a beat so it often turns into an awkward mess when it comes to small things like kisses

Speaking of! Obanai probably had Mitsuri cover her eyes/close her eyes for kisses, at first, but eventually he felt that he trusted she wouldn't go off and tell everyone—and yes, he had trusted her before, only he has trust issues sooo... As much as he loved her, he still waited

Mitsuri has a hat with little paper slips reading things like "hugs" "kisses" "cuddles" "a date" "compliments" and Obanai takes one out every day and whichever he gets he can have lots of that day (except, like, the date- he'd only have one of those that day, ofc...) //CREDITS TO MY SISTER FOR THE IDEA LSLKFKVKEFI

a lot of my ideas originated from things my sister says

Obanai still gets more flustered than Mitsuri. Like bro will turn red if their hands brush together in the middle of a mission with a blood demon art that mirrors his childhood cage and exposes him to the whole Demon Slayer Corps (okay, no, that might be an exaggeration. BUT SERIOUSLY.)

Mitsuri on the other hand is more affectionate with everyone, but she will get flustered a lot, albeit not quite as.. you know-


They flirt with each other A LOT. and even though they both do it, neither realizes that the other does.

They're stupid.

Shinobu or Sanemi is always thirdwheeling them (me fr)

And those two give them lotsa advice

Obanai learned how to make sakura mochi for Mitsuri and then just made a whole bunch and *coincidentally* had them in his pocket when he saw her


Mitsuri made the first move because Obanai is so sure she would never date some 'monster' like him because he's 'disgusting' and 'weird' and 'stupid' and she doesn't deserve some 'piece of shit' like him


Mitsuri is always complementing him

Obanai is... literally just: o///o


Anyways, he's really protective of her (of course)

Went back and found the bitches who rejected her

You don't want to know what happened to them.

Although... Obanai did nearly get incarcera-

I mean- Uhm- 

Mitsuri's also really protective of him

Obanai prolly had a past w/ a bitch of a partner who made him trust him (this is depending on the AU, usually- I like angsty stuff so i just popped a toxic relationship into his past bc why not?)
And it was a boy bc he wouldn't trust women

Mitsuri was the sole exception ^w^

Oh! Mitsuri is Pansexual ofc, Obanai is Bi (despite his haori literally being the straight flag/hj)

I think I rant a lot in these headcanon chapters I'm so sorry 🫠

Sanemi is just over with it and eventually threatens to straight up tell Mitsuri how Obanai feels bc he's annoyed and irritated and angry and-

Shinobu and Sanemi set them up which was how Mitsuri ended up confessing and then Obanai was dying in embarrassment when he confessed back

Mitsuri's initial reaction to Obanai's scar (ik i'm changing the subject) was shock, worry, and then a burst of love because goodness her poor baby hasn't been getting enough love if he was hiding that and he looked so lovely and it was nice to see his whole face

Obanai's reaction to Mitsuri's reaction was... shock. Just... shock. And then, you know, more shock, denial, and after a long persistence; acceptance. He was still shy about showing her, each time he took off his mask, but he got more used to it as time passed.

In case you didn't read the others, I hc that Sanemi is the only person (canon character) that Obanai willingly showed his scar to (can be interpreted as platonic or romantic, but usually it's platonic, even if it's SaneOba, because he showed him during a later stage in their friendship) so he was there to supervize when Mitsuri showed Obanai because Sanemi cares abt Obanai despite his frustrations

Technically he was stalking them but with Obanai's permission :3 (my sister and her friend once asked to spy on me 💀)

Mitsuri knows that Sanemi has seen the scar

You know that one song which's name I forgot but it's like Taylor Swift and goes "you drew stars around my scars"? 

THAT. It's perfect.

Mitsuri kisses Obanai's scar often, traces it, admires it, uses her finger to trace little hearts on it, etc, etc, iwantthiskindofrelationshipoml

As I said in Mitsuri's headcanon page (hers by herself not in this), she wears the different kinds of chapstick/lipstick/idgaf that have flavor/smell/again, idgaf, so she wears it often and Obanai once noted it and said he liked a certain one (you pick, idc) and Mitsuri then wore that one 90% of the time

Obanai met Mitsuri's parents who treated him like he was their son and he immediately became attached (he said, "I can see where Mitsuri gets her personality" and Mitsu's parents were so touched the showered him with gifts LMFAO)

I think i'm making stuff up now 💀

Mitsuri steals Obanai's haori sometimes, Obanai doesn't mind because it looks adorable on her<3 

He even got one in a bigger size so she could wear it more comfortably

Mitsuri sews small hats/scarves/clothes for Kaburamaru on her freetime

Mitsuri and Obanai most definitely held hands a lot.

Also, Mitsuri would have like a diff voice for when she's angry and Obanai thinks it's hot and even made her angry on purpose just to hear her say his name in the voice-

Obanai just ranting abt Mitsuri to Sanemi 24/7
(Obanai: "she ate w/ me today!!"
Sanemi: '...again?'
Obanai: "yes. She was so pretty and she looked so cute- she wore her hair down since she just washed it, she looked like an angel... I MEAN SHE ALWAYS DOES!! I'm just trying to emphasize my point, ok? *panic"
Sanemi:'yes. i know.')


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