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1) I need only 1 chapter to finish my book

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1) I need only 1 chapter to finish my book. Can I enter the awards?

A: Yes you can.

2) Can I enter more than one book?

A: Yes you can, but you can enter only 2 books.

3) Can I be a judge and a participant?

A: Yes you can. But your preferred genre should be different than the story you have submitted.

4) What if I fail to submit my book through the form?

A: You will be considered to have dropped out of the contest. 

5) Can I submit my book even if I have not entered it during the normal entry time through forms?

A: No, you cannot. The Entry form (In the Forms Chapter) works as an initial screening process if your book meets our criteria or not. So, only the people who are accepted in the entry forms can get to round 1 and so on. 

6) Can I edit my story after submitting it?

A: Yes you can. But only minor edits, such as grammar, punctuation, etc. 

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. 


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