1 Welcome or not?

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Chahat's pov

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Chahat's pov

It took me eleven years to stop being a coward and return to the country that was once home. I would have never returned if I had a choice. There's very little I can call my own and my grandfather is the only blood relative alive that really cares about me. He's the reason I am returning to Toronto. It took him sixty years of hard work to put his family's generational business on the map of the world. His legacy that he trusted me with only for me to burn it down to the ashes.

I tried, for eleven years to fight back, to avoid Rai Group from getting affected from the attacks being directed at it only to teach me a lesson. But I failed and now all I can do to keep the Rai Group from going bankrupt is to do the one thing I don't believe in.

"Hey Beautiful, finally I get to see you." Ares looks at me with a sweet smile. I return the gesture, as he holds out his arm for me and I wrap my fingers around his elbow.

"Hi Ares, thank you for inviting me." I tell him.

"Of course, this is the easiest place to solidify our relationship and I get to dance with you." he winks and a laugh escapes from my lips and just for a moment I forget my nerves. But they return with more intensity this time. I take a steady breath as I look at the entrance sign that reads Welcome to the Flacon Annual Charity Gala 2024.

I am not invited here, I was surprised when the security team didn't spot my name in the blacklist. I was banned from entering Falcon properties years ago. Maybe the years made him forget about me. Maybe I am not remembered at all. But Ares and I had to make things official to let the stakeholders know that Rai Group and Ariti Group are merging soon. I peer down at the ring on my finger, my nose scrunching in discomfort, the diamond mocking me, it's weight heavy on my mind.

You don't believe in marriage and yet you wear a ring around your finger and a fiancé around your arms.

"Ready?" Ares asks.

No, but I still nod because it's taken eleven years for life to bring me here. Eleven years to let me just look at the people who once were my family more than my own biological parents were. And yet my stomach flutters with nerves. While everyone moved on with life, finding happiness in life like nothing ever happened. I sat alone in an empty room trying to forget the past.

The doors open as we walk in. Some known, some unknown gazes lingering on us. I hold on to Ares' arm a little fiercely, my breath catching up at all the attention. We find our table while giving polite smiles to the onlookers.

"You are doing great, Chahat" Ares assures me as he pulls his arm away to wrap it around my shoulders. I look up at him with gratitude because honestly, if not for him I would be trembling right now.

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