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Chahat's POVAge - 18

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Chahat's POV
Age - 18

So much has changed in the last two years. Harvey has joined his father's mafia for training. Since the training started, he's just so different. He trains for long hours and comes home so late. I too started interning with Gramps during the summer this year and so far I am loving it.  Gramps has been gently hinting about me being his heir , so yeah well no pressure at all. But between late work days for me and late work nights for Harvey, we don't get to spend as much time as we used to during school.

I always knew what his family does apart from the legit business they run. The guards stationed outside their house are enough reminder of it.

I never went home after getting out of the hospital six years ago. Not even for a moment did Harvey leave me alone during my stay in the hospital and later when I needed therapy for months.

Gramps wanted me to stay with him but I couldn't make myself go with him. I felt incredibly safe and comfortable with him, but a part of me knew and as I grew up, the thought rooted in my mind. I am not his blood, he loves me but I thought my father loved me too. I don't have the courage to find out something that scares me every day, is true.

Besides, Harvey's family has been my family ever since I could remember. With them my mind doesn't overthink. I know they love me like their own. Even when Emma doesn't quite show it, I know she loves me the same.

She got married this year to Zade and whenever I look at them I wonder if I and Harvey would be like them when we are older. Their wedding brought so many emotions in me.

My parents' marriage was arranged. But they never loved each other. I grew up in a home where fights were the only norm. I don't remember my parents looking at each other with love. But at the same time, I grew up watching Harvey's parents doting on each other. Even their banter and disagreements are so respectful that they made me believe that love and marriage are a possibility for me. Because the son they raised, he would never hurt me. He hasn't made me cry even once in all these years. So if he does in future, I will not hold it against him because I know with all that I am that before a tear slides down from my cheek, he will be holding me. I will never be alone even when we fight.

While uncle Alex and auntie Isabella are my benchmark for romance, Zade and Emma are equally my favourites. Their wedding was the first one I ever experienced and it was a fairytale. Theirs is also an arranged marriage that turned into a love one long before they got married.

While Harvey and I haven't said the words to each other, we know. Honestly, we have known since we were little kids. Not that I will ever forget, but even when he is working 18 hours a day Harvey still manages to see me everyday. On days when he is travelling away for work, he video calls. Now when I think about it, there hasn't been a single day we have been apart since we were four years old. In sickness and in health, we have always been together. I can't take credit for it though. Harvey is the one who has made that possible for us.

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