11 The night

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Harvey's POVAge - 19

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Harvey's POV
Age - 19

What a fucking shit show! Every fucking thing just kept going wrong today. First the liquor order came in wrong. Then our soldier who supplied E at our clubs fucking vanished into thin air. I had to cancel the dinner with Bella for the first time in my life, I made her a promise and I couldn't keep it because there was a security breach at Vertigo.

Now I just hope that I could make it upto Bella somehow and she forgives me. I park the car and head inside. Too tired to change and then see her, I head straight to her room. There's no way I can go to bed without kissing her goodnight even if she is asleep.

Everyone had plans tonight and she had to stay home alone and have dinner alone. She will never say it, but I know she hates to have her meals alone. It makes her feel abandoned and she ends up skipping her meals or not eating enough.

When I gently open her door, I find her room and bed empty. Her sheets are perfectly made which means she never came to bed. I knock on her bathroom door just in case but she's not in there too, the lights to the bathroom and bedroom are off. Only a table lamp by her desk is on. I pull my phone out and call her. I have no fucking clue where she can be at 2AM in the night. She can't even stay up till 10:30PM. She has to get in bed by 9, it has been the same since she was 6 years old.

I hear her phone vibrate on the desk and worry crawls into my mind. I walk to her desk to see her phone on an open diary. Her diary, that she was writing in, about me. Unable to contain my curiosity and not acting like an asshole who doesn't give two fucks about space and privacy I pick up the diary and read the half written entry.

14th February, 2012

Dear Mittens,

You know I have been feeling so lonely for sometime now. I wonder if I will ever get my fairytale or if I even deserve one. He said he loves me and wants to know me. He wants me to be a part of his life. I don't know if I am even worthy of having a family. But I wish my mom had gotten her happily ever after.

I remember this one time when I was ten years old and we went to the Poojo Pandal during Durga Pooja. Mom said, one day I am going to find someone who loves me and she will always be by my side to tell me it's worth it, to support me. I never understood it before, but I do now mom. But you are not here to help me, to guide me, to tell me what to do.

Today was Valentine's Day, I and Harvey were supposed to go on a date. But he had to cancel it. I somewhere know he is not the same boy he was before, and I get it. I am not upset, it's just that it's been a long time and I am just tired of waiting now. Today would have been a different day for us. He never told me that he loves me and even when I know it's not true my mind has been telling me that he's never said it because he doesn't want to. Because he doesn't feel that way about me.

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