The puppet

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Istaroth POV:

I did just as Nabu said. Standing before me were heavy, metallic gates covered in a thick layer of ice.  It was so cold. In Snezhnaya, the snow covered everything. Carrying Egeria's old and wrinkled body, I led myself in. A city, with a non-stop blizzard appeared before me. On the very top, there was a castle made of quartz. Pointy ice shards coming out of the ground surrounded the area. My bronish woolen clothes were not enough to protect me from the cold. Just then, it was as if a spark was lightened. A pyro seelie came around me. The warmth it was providing me is not enough. As I start following the seelie, I'm noticing the streets were empty. I don't think it was a coincidence.  Before the palace, the seelie takes a halt and turns into her...


The shade of death.

I knew her already. As i face standing, she asks:

"Visitor from afar, what are you doing here?"

"I want to see her Majesty..."

Time skip (somebody help me idk what to do im running out of inspiration :c)

Before me, the Tsaritsa lays upon her throne. At my arrival, she stands up.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of the Shade of Time?" -She adds a scowl, "Filthy Celestial being, what do you seek? Our plan so that you can tell it to your master and overthrow us?"

"You already know that I do nothing of the sort. I've cut off my connections to Celestia, niece."

"You still have the audacity to call me that. I'm not that little kid anymore."

"Well, I need your help, please."

"Ooh, a Celestial being begging for my help? Let me think about it...Hmm, no. Now get lost." -She says coldly. I clasp my hands before me.

"Please no! Your cousin, Egeria, me and Nabu resurrected her! And she's dying quickly! And I need you puppeteer!" -I show her the body of the withering Egeria I've been carrying. She comes closer and touches her head. She looks at her with horror.

"This isn't the same Egeria I used to play with...right?"

As I don't respond, she turns her back.

"I- Bring her to Sandrone, she'll know what to do."

As I walk away, I hear tears falling on the ground and freezing instantly. I approach a bronze door, and a robotic voice says :


I go in. There, Sandrone is making a copy of Kathyrene. She looks at me and starts talking.

"What do you want?"

"My niece needs to become a puppet, but I don't want her to lose her personality."

She looks at me puzzled, but takes Egeria and places her on the counter. As she gets a knife, I come closer and watch the process.

She stabs Egeria in the heart, and water splashes everywhere. a little Oceanid comes out, and Sandrone catches it. She puts her in a jar and starts taking notes on Egeria's hair, eyes, height and face features. 

"What's that Oceanid thing?" I ask.

"Her inner soul. The Oceanid will swim freely in the puppet body." 

She starts by getting a prototype of Egeria's body. She chops Egeria's real hair and puts it on the puppet. She copies everything down, stabs the doll and puts the Oceanid in. She gives Egeria a black dress, with a blue bowtie, a bun covered with star hair clips and a flat hat with black and blue stripes. She gave Egeria black heels and a blue bow tie at the back. Half sleeves and her dress was complete. She put two contact lenses on and painted them like Egeria's eyes. She makes a keyhole at the back. She puts in a voicebox, and cuts open a mouth. After several moments, the puppet is complete. She gives me the key, and I grab EGeria and teleport away.

Back in the hotel room Egeria and I rented, I put the key inside the keyhole and twist it. Egeria's head lifts up, and her eyes open. She looks dizzy.

"...hmm....Au...Auntie...?" -She says, her eyelids are half open. I jump on her and we both fall to the ground hugging.

"Oh my god, Egeria! I'm so glad you're alive! I thought I'd lost you!"

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