Cursed Boy and Experiments.

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3rd POV Midday

It has been 4 months since Y/n was betrayed by Rias and Akeno, he has been traveling around Japan on his training Journey to get stronger. He has unlocked two abilities of his sacred gear, the first being the Evolution and the second being invisibility, he was currently camping next to a river in a forest trying to Manipulate the water to test his what he can do.

 He has unlocked two abilities of his sacred gear, the first being the Evolution and the second being invisibility, he was currently camping next to a river in a forest trying to Manipulate the water to test his what he can do

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Y/n: Come on.......Come on........

As he pulled the ball water up above he lost control and the water splashed all over him.

Y/n: Dammit!

Tyrant: Having trouble there partner?

Y/n: No duh Tyrant, I still can't get a hang of any element, fire burns me, lightning shocks me, I get knocked down by wind, and now water won't stay formed. 

Tyrant: You just simply need more practice, you never used magic like this before with that wrench around. Look how far you came since then, you couldn't even make the elements move back then.

Y/n: Yeah your right, magic wasn't my forte but if i'm gonna get stronger I need some good spells under my belt.

Tyrant: Good and I'll help on your way.

Y/n then summons his sword as he looks towards the trees, he then dashes to them.


Y/n was sleeping on a makeshift bed he made out of trees and leaves with a fire nest to him, as he was sleeping he sensed an approaching presence. He quickly got up and put out the fire, destroyed his bed and hid in a bush. He looks out to see men in black bishop robes walking through the forest with a Lantern lighting their way.

Y/n( What the hell, are they the church's goons?)

Tyrant( I doubt, They have a malevolent aura to them.)

Y/n( I think we should follow them.)

Tyrant( Are you sure about this partner, you got stronger but running into enemy base is almost suicide.)

Y/n( True, but we could also loot their base for potential weapons, magic items, and spells books to get stronger.)

Tyrant( Hmm....Ok I'll trust you on this.)

Y/n( thanks)

Y/n then slowly followed the men from behind at a safe distance, he followed them all the way to an old church building with tombstones around the place.

Y/n then slowly followed the men from behind at a safe distance, he followed them all the way to an old church building with tombstones around the place

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