iMiss Seattle

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(Sam's point of view)

I've been in LA with my friend Cat Valentine for nearly 4 years. It's weird cause we are total opposites.  My old best friend Carly, who I lost contact with when she went to Italy,  Carly and I were very different, but she wasn't plain stupid and could be rude if needed. However, Cat was just, something else is the nicest way I could put it.

 God..  Now I thought about Carly, I kinda miss her... and Seattle, and Spencer, and Gibwad (Gibby), and I guess T-bo a bit..  Maybe I left a certain nerd out on purpose. OK, I totally left Frednub out on purpose. But on the day Carly left for Italy, I saw Fredweird kissing Carly. I mean I get it, he'd liked her since what, 5th grade? 6th? Whenever it was. But then when Cat called him here for that weekend when him and Cat's ever geekier friend Robbie (I physically didn't think that would be possible until I met him, but I guess it is) got attacked by killer tuna. God, was that funny. Anyway, he acted like that (creddie kiss) never happened when I saw him then said when he hwd healed he'd take me out. I didn't have feelings for him then, though. Maybe I had a few feelings left when he kissed Carly but they left not even a month later. I just wanted the free food from Fredward The Tech-Nub's card, that's the only reason why I accepted! Totally...... 

Anyway, when he was out of hospital he NEVER went out with me. I didn't care, it was just a let down I didn't get a meal for free. Well, not free, just he would have paid, not me.  Yknow, the only one I kept in contact with was actually Spencer. I mean, Carly git a new number and probably forgot about me, I doubt T-bo has a phone and messaging Gibby... well.... let's just say its... different? And I'm NEVER messaging Fredneek. He was just a tech weirdo..... who was kinda c- SNAP OUT OF IT SAM! YOU JUST NEED FOOD!! 

I got up and walked into the kitchen, where I saw Cat babysitting.

"Sup Catarina!" I yell as I open the fridge and get a rootbeer and a ham sandwich out of the fridge, then closing it once again.

"Sup? SUP? Whats up is that you promised you'd help babysit today..." She sounded sad, "And I told you to stop calling me Catarina, only my Nona calls me that"

"Whatevss.." I say as I bite into my sandwich. "Hey, we still going to Bots with Dice and Goomer later?" 

"Ugh. I wish. I'm BABYSITTING! And you should be too!" Cat points to the child, sat on the floor, eyepatch?

I look confused, but don't ask.  "Hey, why don't we take the kid with?" I ask, in curiosity.  I hated when we had to take the children we babysit, well, Cat babysits, to proceed with our plans, but I wanted to go today, so we'd have to make do.

"Because of him mom. She said he can only eat the food she gave us for him. And he can't go out. Because he's allergic to 58 things according to her." She said, doing the dishes.

"And? We can take him out and just hot get him something with the chiz that he is allergic to. Plus, his mom doesn't have to know. It'll be our secret" I say, irritated.

"No! You know what happened last time!" She said, annoyed at my desperation.

"Fineeee, but me, Dice n Gooms  are still going." I pause. "Hey, you know that Jade girl you're friends with and I think is quite cool, do you think she'll be free and would want to go?" I say, curios.

"Probably.  But you'd have to promise to not scare 3 year old old steal people's food." She said semi sternly,  well, not really. Just as tough as Cat can sound. Which isn't very much.

"Ughh, that's no funn!" I complain, but still open to the idea.

"I'll call her and see if she's busy, just, keep an eye on the kid?" She asked me.

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