iVisit Seattle.

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(Sam's point of veiw) 

It was the day tomorrow. THAT day. The first day in 4 years I would have seen Carly. The first day I would have been in Seattle for 4 years. I wonder if we would have a special iCarly? Hopefully so. 

It was around 11:42pm and my roommate and friend Cat had just recently gone to sleep. I was gonna do the same but I couldn't stop thinking about the endless possibilities to what could happen tomorrow and throughout the next few days. Cat was going for 2 nights and 3 days but I was going for 4 nights and 5 days. I was gonna drive us both in my motorcycle to get there then shed find a way back on the day she leaves.  Carly also leaves the night before I leave, but I'm just gonna try stay without her, after all I'd still have Spencer. But, ugh, I'd still have Benson. God, why couldn't he have been the one that moved.

After thinking for a while,  it was not long 4:02am, and I should've been asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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