Aunt Rebekah

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"Where pray tell are you going dressed like that, little sister?" Klaus asks Rebekah, seeing her walk through the dining room in a form-fitting short black dress. "Quite the change in apparel from last week's football game," he quipped.

"I'm going on a date, Nik, not that it's any of your business." Rebekah replied in a snippy tone. She tried to walk past Klaus to her waiting car and driver but he grabbed hold of her arm, stopping her in her tracks.

"Uh uh uh, not so fast, baby sister," Klaus tsked, maintaining his grip.

"Let me go, Nik," Rebekah ordered, scowling at her older brother. She loved Niklaus dearly but hated how he always thought he knew what she needed when it came to her love life. Being hundreds of years old hasn't deterred him from still thinking he knows what's best for her.

"Not until you tell me what kind of suitor would be so crass as to not even bother to pick up his date at her place of residence and introduce himself to her brothers."

"Are my ears burning?" Kol strode into the dining room with a big goofy grin on his face, making a grand entrance as usual.

"I was referring to her oldest brothers but since Elijah is out at the moment, I suppose you'll do," Klaus explained. "Come join us, baby brother, as we discuss our sister's poor choice in men..." Klaus gestured to the seat next to him. "Yet again," he said, concluding his criticism of his little sister's dating record. No man would ever be good enough for his baby sister. Even Marcel, whom he practically raised as his son, would never be worthy of pursuing a romantic relationship with Rebekah in Klaus's eyes.

He liked to say no one was good enough for her but the truth was he didn't want anyone taking Rebekah away from him. Klaus was afraid if she found a man she wanted to spend all of eternity with, a man who captured her heart, a man she loved more than anyone else, she wouldn't need him anymore. There would be no room for him in her life and Klaus couldn't bear the thought of not having his baby sister close by for all eternity. She's the only one who accepts Klaus for who he is, who doesn't want to change him, and who loves him in spite of all his flaws. That kind of adoration and devotion is hard to come by and Klaus was well aware of this.

"Although I don't understand your twisted obsession with our sister's dating life Nik, I must admit I'm a bit curious who has currently stolen her heart," Kol exclaimed, sitting down next to Klaus, resting his chin on his hands as he batted his eyes at Rebekah, delighting in teasing her, all in fun of course. "So spill, Sister. Don't leave us on the edge of our seats." Kol scooted forward so his bottom was literally hanging off the lip of the dining room chair. He pretended to bite his nails in nervous anticipation of Rebekah's big reveal of her mystery suitor.

"Would you two please just let me go so I'm not tardy for my date?" Rebekah pleaded, not wanting to indulge her brothers' mirth at her expense any longer. "You're like a couple of bored housewives at the salon getting your hair and nails done."

"What's wrong with my hair?" Kol asked, rushing to check out his reflection in the mirror. "Just as I thought," he said, combing his fingers through his impeccably styled coif. "It's perfect." Turning to face Klaus, he said, "She must be talking about you Brother because I certainly don't need any help in the looks department. I'm as handsome as can be."

"I don't need to be here while you busybodies gossip under the hairdryers. Do I?" Rebekah questioned facetiously, winking at her brothers as she picked up her purse from the table, attempting to leave again.

Klaus vamped in front of her, blocking her path.

"Come now, my dear sister, what sort of brothers would we be if we just let you drive off to meet up with some mystery man who most likely only has sex on his mind and desires to use you as a pawn in his sick twisted depraved fantasies?"

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