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Walker and y/n had been best friends for as long as anyone in either family could remember. The two kids had always been inseparable, and just about anyone who had seen them together predicted the fact that they would get married.

And after both the kids landed rolls in Percy Jackson, their bond grew even stronger so they didn't have to be away from each other for so long.

But little did anyone know, they both had feelings for each other. They didn't even know of their feelings for the other, they just kept it to themselves in fear of it ruining their friendship.

— Y/N'S POV —
I was spending the night at the Scobells with Leena and Walker when we decided to go live.

Most of the comments consisted of people calling me or Leena pretty, calling Walker hot or fine, or telling Walker and I we should date. Until we saw a couple of comments saying to play truth or dare.

"The comments are saying to play truth or dare, do yall wanna?" Leena asked. I just nodded and Walker said "Yeah that sounds fun"

Leena started by asking me. "Y/n/n truth or dare" "Hmmm.. Truth" I said nervously. "Do you like anyone right now?" She said almost immediately. As soon as I heard the question I felt my cheeks flush a light shade of pink. "Uh yeah I do" I responded. "WHAT AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME" Walker said loudly. "I'll tell you who after the stream" I told him. He just nodded and we kept playing.

After a few minutes the turn came back to Leena asking me. "Okay Y/n/n truth or dare?" She asked me again. "Dare" I said confidently. "Okay let me see what people are saying I should dare you to do" she said scrolling through the comments. "Aha!" She said loudly. "I dare you to kiss Walker!!" She followed up. Both our cheeks turned a hot shade of pink.

"Umm Leena are you sure?" I asked her, trying to stall. But she obviously saw right through me. "Yes now stop stalling and do it!!" She said eagerly. "Okay fine" I said.

Walker and I both leaned in for what felt like hours. After a couple seconds I felt his soft lips on mine. I felt his hand go onto the side of my face, so I rested mine on the side of his neck. "Um okay guys that's enough" Leena said, taking us out of the moment.

After a few more minutes we decided to end the stream.

After Leena left the room there was an awkward silence between Walker and I. "Y/n/n, I really really like you, and not just as a friend but way more than that and if you don't feel the same way that's-" he said starting to ramble. I cut him off by slamming my lips back onto his. "Walker I like you too. A lot more than a friend." I told him. "Soo do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously. I just nodded and kissed him again, smiling into the kiss.

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