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i had been having the most terrible mood swings all day and i couldn't figure out why. as i laid on my bed, pondering why i was having these mood swings, i felt my phone buzz.
a text from walker! that always managed to brighten my day.


walkie talkie.❤️
pretty girlllll

pretty boyyyyy

walkie talkie.❤️
what are you doing right now

sitting on my bed per usual!
why what's up

walkie talkie.❤️
nothing much
just think i might die

why what's wrong??

walkie talkie.❤️
nothing i just miss ur face😊

not a lit joke.
but yes
come over i miss you too
(i miss ur lips)

walkie talkie.❤️
i'm On my way!
fucking autocorrect
On my way!*
On my way!*
On my way!*
ok bro you know what i mean.

yes i do
i'll see you when you get her
i love you

walkie talkie.❤️
i love you more❤️.


as i sat waiting for walker to get to my house, i had yet another mood swing. i went from being insanely happy and giddy, to be really sad and tired.

knock knock knock

"come in!" i said lazily. "hey gorgeous" walker said walking over to my bed. barely even after he had taken his shoes off, i grabbed his had and pulled him under my blankets, latching myself onto him. "okay i missed you too" walker said softly laughing to himself, kissing the top of my head.

"can we watch a movie?" i asked him sweetly, looking up at him. "of course we can" he said giving me a sweet kiss on the lips while he grabbed my tv remote off my bedside table.

"what do you wanna watch pretty girl?" walker asked me, running his hand up and down my back while he turned the tv on. "i wanna watch the curious george movie!" i said happily, knowing that i loved that movie and it always made me happier.

"okay, we can watch that" he said clicking on the peacock app and turning on the movie. but today was the wrong day to watch the beginning of the curious george movie.

during the part where all the other animals left george out and walked away from him, i started crying and wondering why everyone hated george. of course, walker took notice to this because he felt the tears soaking his shirt.

"oh baby what's wrong?" he asked, sitting up and pulling my hands that were covering my face down. "everyone hates him" i said through tears. "hates who?" he asked genuinely confused. "george! he's so sweet and cute and everyone hates him!" i said getting myself all worked out.

as soon as he heard this, he knew what was happening since this isn't the first time i've had these mood swings. "oh baby, it's okay, think about later in the movie when everyone loves him!" he told me reassuringly.

after a few minutes of me crying, i calmed down. "thank you walker." i said looking up at him. "of course gorgeous." he said hugging me tightly. when we let go of the hug he placed a sweet kiss on my lips.

the rest of the night we ended up sleeping 😇
hey guys! another quick filler
while i think of something
better to publish! anyway
thanks for reading!!
xoxo, elli 🌺.

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