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it's been a week.
a week since what you might ask?
.. a week since walker and i broke up.

everything reminded me of him. i couldn't bare the thought of seeing him in person again.

i know you might be wondering, "why did you and walker break up?".. and the truth is, i'm not even sure myself.

he said it was nothing i did, but why would he be ending our relationship if it wasn't me?

i decided that today was finally the day i'd make a tiktok about him and post it. (the song is above)
(pretend the following photos are a tt slideshow post)

 (the song is above)(pretend the following photos are a tt slideshow post)

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caption : i just want my boy back

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caption : i just want my boy back. (wtv hashtags you want)

and with that, i clicked the post button.

not even 20 minutes later i got a message. i almost ignored it, since i'd been pushing everyone away since walker and i broke up. that was until i saw the contact name..

 that was until i saw the contact name

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it couldn't be.. but i thought wrong.

*link to the tt*
i know you're hurt.
i'm so sorry.
read 2:26 PM
sorry i didn't respond.
i just had to take a little to think about that.
that's fine love.
i know how badly i hurt you.
i can't even begin to explain how sorry i am.
can i come over?
please y/n/n.
i really need you.
yeah, that's fine walker.
let me know when you're here.
walker reacted ❤️ this message

i know a lot of you might be thinking i'm being stupid by letting him come over, but i know walker will make this right. he's not the type of person to lie about being sorry.

i walked up to y/n's door and knocked. within a matter of seconds she was at the door opening it for me. she looked exhausted and it broke my heart knowing it was because of me.

i held my arms out, as a way to ask her if she wanted a hug. as quickly as i had opened my arms, she was in them sobbing into my shoulder. "i'm so sorry y/n. i never meant to hurt you and i'm honestly not sure why i even did it in the first place." i said while i ran my hand up and down her back with one hand, and cradled her head with the other.

god i needed this. i needed him more than ever. "i'm so sorry y/n. i never meant to hurt you and i'm honestly not sure why i even did it in the first place." he said.

it surprised me to hear that. i looked up from his shoulder. "really?" i asked him. "yes really. i know you're probably not ready to jump straight back into how things were but-" he said, starting to ramble. i just cut him off with a kiss.

he was obviously shocked, but he kissed me back. "i am ready. you have no idea how ready i am." i said hugging him. "i love you so much beautiful." he said hugging me tightly. "i love you more walker."

after that we spent the rest of the night at my house.
hey fellas i figured i'd stop in and
update real quick! please leave
suggestions of what to write i'm
running out of ideas 🥰. anyway!
bye bye yall! until next part
(coming tonight)
xoxo, elli 🌺

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