Violence Solves Everything

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 Akari was walking up the stairs to her 4th period class. Things in her school was still bad, even though spring break just ended. Youd think an easter dance would make the student body ease up on the torment. But not even a beloved Christian holiday could prevent her from being socially isolated from her peers. Sometimes she just wishes she could live in peace with others. Have friends, have a true loving family, just like how she sees when she's walking home alone. As usual. Just getting the oh so gracious privilege of witnessing perfect families. All their happy smiles, bonding, and unconditional love. She would kill to have that picture perfect family. To be able to have that picture perfect smile. To be able to have a perfect life like her peers. But not everything is what it seems on the surface, is it? They are probably suffering as much as her on the inside. Perfection or not. She should view them more as people, her peers, humans. Not as images and envious dreams. Even if they are cruel to her, they are still human in the end of the day. All humans are flawed. She shouldn't hold their flaws against them. Shed be just as bad as they are if she was as judgmental as them. Once she got up the 3 flights of stairs some girls in her class thought it would be funny to push her down the stairs. Akari flew down the same flights of stairs she had just gone up moments ago. She was pissed. Today in particular was already a shitty day for her and now she fell down the stairs.

"Damn it, she didn't get a concussion. Waste of a good push. Oh well, that godless creature had it coming regardless. Demons like her deserve to burn in hell where they belong!"

Akari took a moment to fully process what the girl just said. Burn in hell? She hasn't done anything to these people. Why does she have to burn in hell? How is she the demon in this situation? These people have been torturing her ever since she first stepped into the building. They are the ones who deserved to burn, not her. It only took a second for Akari to look at the girl and realize that they are the demons, not her. But if they wanted her to be a demon so bad, she sure as hell was going to deliver. Something inside her seemed to snap. She no longer wanted to run or hide, not even shed a tear. All she wanted was one thing in that moment, payback. She ran up the stairs and chased the girls down. She curb stomped 2 girls and bashed their teeth in on the stairs. Repeatedly punching them until their noses bled and faces bruised. She then pulled the 3rd girl by the shirt closer to her.

"If you tell anyone about this, I'm going to do something far worse to you. Don't tell a damn soul about what you saw, do you understand?"

The girl nodded her head, scared shitless. Akari looked at the girls beat up on the floor and For the first time in years, Akari finally smiled. Akari went throughout the rest of her day relieved. She didn't know why she was feeling this way. Even when her parents talked down to her or beat her it didn't bother her. She was having the time of her life. This feeling went away when the next day came around. She went through the rest of the school day miserable. During her passing period, she went to her locker and tried to take a sip of water out of her water bottle. She felt something slice her tongue and dropped the bottle. Glass came out the bottle. Akari didn't burst out crying like she usually did; she just froze in place. Stunned by the audacity. Her eyes just darted around to see who the culprit was. One girl was laughing behind her.

"Oh, so it was you."

"N-No. I-I just thought it was funny, that's all."

"You're lying through your teeth, and I plan on breaking them."

"W-what? -"

Akari began repeatedly punching her in the face; she didn't stop until she saw several teeth flying out of the girl's mouth. Akari felt that wave of relief again. She was chill throughout the rest of the day. When she arrived home, she began to really think. Why did she feel happy when she hurt people who deserved it? What was it that made her so calm and content? And how can she keep feeling that same relief all the time? She was miserable all her life, she didn't want this new feeling to go away. She then had an idea; if she kept hurting those who deserved to be hurt, she would be happy all the time. After that day she started to constantly get into fights with other kids in school. No teachers caught on due to Akari learning how to lie and act in her theater classes and her reputation as valedictorian. Also, she had been threatening eyewitnesses so then they wouldn't snitch on her. The wave of happiness stayed for longer than before. Way longer. This went on for 4 months; until one day she got caught by a teacher while she was in the middle of beating up someone. They had to get 4 people to pull her off of the girl as Akari was screaming about God knows what. While Akari sweet-talked her way out of getting expelled with false proclaims of remorse, her parents were told about what had happened. The school considered this a mental breakdown, said she was mentally unwell, and recommended some time in a psych ward. Akari's parents admitted her into the psych ward and Akari stayed there until they discharged her 5 months later. She lied to her assigned therapist so then she could go back to school and get discharged. She wanted to feel happy again. Once she got discharged, she immediately started going back to school. She made some bullshit apology to her class In Front of a teacher. Throughout the rest of her school years, she was a top student and managed to build back her reputation, still managing to hurt some poor students in the process. She practically had everyone wrapped around her finger, being able to get away anything and everything with her intelligence and silver tongue. She graduated valedictorian, her parents didn't even care to show up. After she graduated it hit her; she would never be able to feel that same happiness for the rest of her life. She was 17, her parents were still on her ass every single day. She became miserable again. She missed delivering justified pain. For some reason it was comforting to her to beat up those who would do such horrible things, knowing they wouldn't be able to do anything bad anymore made her happy. 

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