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It had been 3 months since Akari had met Sora. Well, technically, she was in her "Zer0 outfit" when she met her. Zer0 was just doing parkour off some buildings in an attempt to escape a few cops who were chasing her on foot. Per usual. She then hopped onto a building and hid behind the roof stairwell door.

"God, that Officer sure knows how to get my blood pumping! I should be fine for now..."

 Once she lost sight of the cops, seeing as the red and blue lights faded alongside the blaring sirens, she got out from behind the door and started scaling down the building via the fire escape. While she was doing so, she caught sight of a mother and daughter arguing from an opened window with drawn beige curtains. It seemed like the mother was scolding her for...wanting to leave the house? This seems a bit off. Why can't the girl just leave? Then the mother punched the girl across the face, square in the jaw. Zer0 was about to intervene when the girl, in the heat of the moment, grabbed her by the hair. She plunged the woman's head into the water and attempted to drown her mother in the soapy water filled kitchen sink. The water started bubbling, the struggle from the woman very evident. Each bubble continued to surface and pop. Popping and bursting without missing a single beat. Shortly, the bubbles surfacing had halted. The girl let go of her mother's head and walked away, seeing as her job was done. Zer0 saw something, however. 2 pops. 2 bubbles had surfaced. The sound of the gurgling underwater echoed in her pointy ears. The mother was alive. And surely enough, the mother grabbed a kitchen knife and pinned her own daughter to the ground. Before the mother could do anything, Zer0 jumped through the window and tackled her. She had gripped her throat with a harsh and tight grasp. Holding her there for a moment before Zer0 stood up and stomped on the mother's stomach to prevent her from being able to get up. Once Zer0 turned to face the girl, she realized something. She had definitely seen this girl before. There was a familiar aura to the girl. Her fluffy short hazel brown hair. The single green streak that hangs in between her smoky blue and dull green eyes. The beautiful fair skin. Though, she didn't see that sharp gauze in this moment. There was a sense of vulnerability.  Zer0 started to slowly approach the girl to get a closer look at her, each step carefully calculated. The girl was just on the floor, frozen and on her knees. She was still in shock, but looking at Zer0 after she just protected her from her mother was comforting in a sense. She couldn't take her eyes off of her. There was something about the subtle vivid pink glow in her eyes that put her at ease. Zer0 cupped the girl's cheeks and made direct eye contact with her. Her pink glow reflecting in the girl's eyes. Who was blushing, speechless. Zer0 finally figured out where she had seen this girl before, the girl wasn't just any girl, it was Sora. Zer0's eyes lit up.

"Ms. Sora?"

Sora was still mesmerized by Zer0, barely being able to think.


"It is you! I'm so happy!! Are you alright? Do you remember me?"

"I-I'm fine. And... You're that serial killer girl I helped a few months ago...ZerØ, right?"

"Yes!! I still remember you! And! ~ I still remember that I owe you for that night!"

"But you already protected me, you don't need to—"

"Nu uh! I don't wanna hear that! I didn't know it was you before, so it doesn't count! And I made a pinky promise! I can't break my promise!"

Sora was surprised by her otherworldly enthusiastic attitude. It was like you were about to make a deal with a devil. A charming one, who bounced with each step. With a smile so wide its surprising her cheekbones still function properly. Sora was looking at only Zer0, dazed by her presence. Zer0 then noticed something she hadn't before. On the floor next to Sora was an eyepatch. And what used to be covered by that eyepatch was a huge scar that was across Sora's right eye. Zer0 doesn't recognize the scar. It looks like it might've been a month or so old. She was struck with curiosity. 

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