Lucky Break

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6 weeks have passed by. Haruka has been becoming more and more obsessed with ZerØ. They still exchange letters. And Haruka has now piles of information on ZerØ. Haruka decided it was time for another walk. Her mind has been constantly racing as of late, so this could be a good opportunity to relax for a bit. She threw on her usual outfit and went outside. She sat on a nearby bench, it was a few blocks from her house. She relaxed for a bit. She was near a local park, with beautiful bright pink flowers, tiger lillies to be exact. The pink flowers reminded her of her one and only love. Just as she let her guard down, she heard sirens. They balared off in the distance. Then, she saw ZerØ. Why do things always happen when she lets her guard down? The sirens went silent. Following ZerØ were 2 officers, who had just gotten out of a car. They were close. Too close. Haruka rushed from off of the bench and to wherever they were running towards. She knew a short cut and managed to cut off the cops right after ZerØ entered a building. She acted like she was there the entire time. One of the cops started talking, while the other was desperately trying to catch his breath.

"E-Excuse me miss, have you seen anyone... suspicious running around here?"

Haruka shook her head no.

"Nah, I've been here for like, an hour already."

The officer looked a bit frustrated.

"Are you certain? If you are lying, we can arrest you for harboring a criminal."

Haruka had an idea. They can't arrest her if she isn't lying. Well, she was. But they don't need to know that! She can just word it a certain way as a loophole.

"Actually, I think I saw someone in a suit running that way."

She pointed in the opposite direction, purposefully trying to lead them off her trail.

"I don't know for sure though, so take that as you will."

They immediately ran to where Haruka pointed.

ZerØ looked down from the roof, where she was hiding. She saw Haruka. She was thrilled to see her. She smiled. Haruka walked inside the building. She scaled the stairs and saw ZerØ standing on the roof once she got to the top floor. She had her hoodie off, facing the opposite way of Haruka. The only thing Haruka saw was her beautiful and long half pink half black hair, blowing gracefully in the wind.

"So, why'd you do it? You must have a reason."

Her voice filled the deafening silence.

"I'm not going to let anyone haul my only love away."

"Your love, huh? What an interesting and adorable answer~ You are such a doll. You're making me blush!"

She said, in a flirtatious tone.

Haruka blushed, the compliment was making her brain spiral. She bit her nail, feeling that same sensation again. ZerØ put her hoodie back on and turned to face her.

"Aw, are my little comments driving you mad?~ Are they making you feel like your heart will explode out of your chest?~"

Haruka grasped a handful of her shirt, right where her chest is. Being teased like this, it was driving her crazy. She couldn't handle it. She felt her legs getting weaker and weaker by the second.

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