(16)Terrors 9

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Getting his hands on the extra collars wasn't that hard at all. Neither was getting some of the remaining escapees to surrender or voluntarily go back to their cells under threat of getting a collar. Of course the promise of a lesser punishment helped a lot out too with the lower ranks. There were still a few he had to fight or pop a collar on but those hardly took that long.

Any of the guards he passed, conscious or otherwise, he tried to help into a safe area and used some ice here and there to cover badly bleeding wounds. Some of the guards had tried to run the second they saw him. All Danny could do in those situations was hold up his hands and slowly back away and move on to the next corridor.

He had a rough estimate of where Cujo was this whole time as he found a few escapees covered in his drool while he was doing a round. He figured the best way was to work from the outside to the center again in case anybody tried to use the commotion to get to another exit. Danny only found one that got somewhat close but he looked too puny to handle a collar with the new settings so he just froze the escapee's admittingly annoying ass to the wall.

Issues for later.

He made his way around the whole prison, both male and female wings. He mostly had more work on the female wing as there were less signs of Cujo having been there already. Before long he had circled his way back to Waller's area. Most of the prisoners there had been taken care by turning the collars back on. The two big bulky dudes and space suit man weren't there however so he knew he still had to keep looking for them. The big boss man had somehow ended up in Waller's cell but the door was still locked.

Waller had explained that big boss man was mad when the collars turned back on and tried to attack but that Wilcox and Dr. Strange prevented that. Muscle dudes and space suit man then locked them in there and went to figure out what happened. She had ordered him to the laundry area where the two wings have a tinner connected wall than other areas.

Something about an icicle being there?

He wasn't particularly sure what she meant with that but he still went to check it out anyway.

On his way there Danny and Cujo met up. With a bit of guessing work he figured out Cujo had finished his round of the women's wing and they are now headed to the last area to check before giving the all clear signal to the warden. He'd have to find a way to clean out some tufts of hair that seemed to have made its way between the pup's teeth but again, issues for later. He'd probably get away with it as he was doing his job.


It didn't take too long to reach the laundry room. The halls felt eerily empty even though Miss Waller had warned him of the unaccounted high ranking inmates. There was somewhat of a familiar staticky cold hint in the air. Definite signs somebody with ice powers had some fun.

Making sure he would have the element of surprise, the two ghostly entities turned invisible as they neared the entrance. Danny tensed as he saw spikes of ice poking out from the doorway.

Definitely some icy shenanigans happened.

He readied himself in a defensive form as he stalked towards the room just up ahead.

At first glance the room felt normal, outside of the clear displays of power prickling in the air. It wasn't until they got to the back of the room where they could see a party had taken place. Fully focused on the two massive muscle dudes trapped in an ice formation in front of him, Danny reached inside of himself where he had stored the extra collars. It's not like he had enough pockets to carry all of them when he first started so it was the easiest storage space he could think of while keeping his hands free.

He really hoped the collars would be enough, not being in the mood to deal with even more cracked up muscle dudes.

Seriously, somebody should get them checked for steroid overuse. This can't be healthy.

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