(41) Failsafe 3

195 9 6


October 16

Robin knew something was wrong the moment Private Bard came through the Zeta instead of Phantom. He and Kid Flash rushed forward to help the injured soldier off of the arrival platform. Good thing they did, too, as Superboy materialized not long after. Landing like he had actually jumped through, Superboy took a minute to readjust to the now calm surroundings.

"They broke through." He announced, taking over supporting Private Bard as he guided the young man over to a safe place as they awaited the arrival of the others. "The shield broke, some men got injured but they were mostly fine."

"And Phantom?"

Superboy helplessly shrugged, not sure how to answer as they didn't particularly have a set order to leave in. With the chaos of the battlefield and the shield falling, there was too much going on to keep track of everything. Not that he would ever voice it out loud, but he had better things to focus on than some random new kid.

Slowly he hobbled Private Bard over to the med bay. Robin stood by the Zeta, contemplating going back to see what was taking so long. Why would he not have come through right after like he said he would? Did something happen after the enemy broke through the shield that was keeping him there?

Or worse?

He was giving Phantom 10 seconds to come through the portal or he'd jump back in. It was taking too long and there was no way something didn't go wrong. Cursed be his brother and their shared stubbornness. He slightly sympathized that their parents don't need to deal with their teenage selves. Clearly, being stubborn to a fault runs in their DNA. Would it have been worse if they both grew up with Batman? Or would it have been better if they were still just at the circus?

Honestly, not something he should be thinking about at the moment. Or ever.

And then it happened.

The relative silence of Mount Justice burst into chaos.

With barely any warning, Phantom appeared form the Zeta tube. He looked completely out of it, off balance and unfocused. Stumbling forward slightly, barely managing three steps before he collapsed to the ground. Small whispers of curses his parents would never have approved of spiraled into eventual screams of pain. Near exactly as Phantom's screams started, so did M'gann's.

A guttural scream escaped Phantom's throat as he clutched his arm in pain. Small green shockwaves escaped his mouth as the ground trembled at the force. Robin stood frozen in shock. Never had he ever imagined he'd hear such primal pain from his own brother. His own voice.

How could he not have thought about how the Zeta may have been an issue as Phantom literally died in a similar situation. He wanted to rush forward, hold him and tell him it wasn't real.

But it was.

His pain was real.

It's a miracle he was even still able to see him as the shock from the pain was clearly giving him control issues. Another set of shockwaves tore through Phantom's frail body. Had he already lost weight again? Or did he always look this petite? Robin wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer.

Nobody moved a muscle as M'gann screamed out in pain as well. Clutching her head, she dropped to her knees as tears started flowing from her eyes. At her cry, Superboy rushed back into the room. Within seconds the clone was trying to comfort M'gann as the curled in on herself. "What happened?!" He tried hard to cover up his anger as to not scare M'gann.

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