you again? - Chapter 2

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"You and me thats my whole world"


When I got a call from coach this morning I knew I was fucked.
Now I'm sitting here trying to find out who this girlfriend I'm supposed to have. When the rumor That I had fucked more than New Jersey population. Yes you heard that right I don't know how anyone believes any of this shit. I'm literally lost in my thoughts until someone speaks up

"Mr. Hughes Coach Ruff would like you to go in his office" Emma coach's assistant says
Oh great
As I enter his office I see a familiar pair of pretty emerald green eyes
Oh fuck I'm dead
Literally. The boys had one rule we could NOT date Vivian no matter what.
Trevor, Liam, and James will come for me.
But at the same time I meet her eyes my heart Melts and softens. My pupils turn into hearts every time I see her. MY Vivian Grace Zegras. MY first love, kiss, body, "wife", and crush.

I can't but look at her neck. She's wearing it. The golden heart locket with a picture of us inside.

I'm sitting with the boys at the park because our moms took us to the park today. Vivian look so pretty today. Her brown hair is gorgeous. She's playing with her best friend Aliyah on the swings while me and all the boys are at the table near the slides. Trevor was also watching them I've always thought he had a crush on Aliyah but I wasn't to sure. James was so 10 already and he was Vivian's brother so I knew I had to impress him. There was also Liam we call him Lee, but he was a cool brother unlike Trevor or James so i didn't have to worry about him.

"Lets play truth or dare" Lee suggest
All the boys agree
"Trev your turn truth or dare" I said
" dare" he replied
"Go kiss Aliyah" I said
A few rounds later it was now my turn
"Jack truth or dare" Lee said
"Go talk to your crush"
Oh shit
my crush was his sister
And guess what! It's Vys birthday
"Okay" I replied

I tap her shoulder
Out the corner of my eyes I can see our moms watching our interaction
"Vy uh happy birthday I uh have a gift for you"I say while getting down on one knee and touching the box of the necklace and taking it out my pocket
"Will you marry me I know we're young but I promise I'll be the one marrying you in the future"


"Jack take a seat would you" This old ass man tells me

"sure" i fake a smile

Vy makes eye contact with me. She look sad I wonder if she's still with that asshole. I cant remember his name Brock ? Billy ? Brad? Brady? oh Brody.


When Jack walks in his eye drop to my neck. To my necklace. The memories come back, this asshole made me think he would really keep his promise. Every day I think about how he's a fucking liar. Sweet little 7 year old Jack and 5 year old Vivian had no clue what was coming for them. I don't think I would think Jack would be this mean or bitchy. Every year when Jack brings a girl home I can't help but feel jealous.


she looks mad

one thing i have learned from knowing Vy for so long is not to get her mad. I always had one regret when it came to her i completely lost her. We were so fucking close then I went cold and bitchy on her. Why? because I love her so fucking much but at the same time i hate her and i wouldn't care if she died.

HEYYY GUYS IM HOME!! I'm only posting this because @jackhugheslvr posted FINALLY so i had to. Can you tell i wrote this half asleep and didn't edit it. ALSO LOOK AT HOW ONLY JACK CALL VIVIAN VY AWWWWWW. Im lazy to type more for this chapter so you have to wait more!! -K

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