1 grumpy Hughes + 1 grumpy Zegras + 1 happy Hughes -Chapter 3

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A/n okay so them like figuring out everything is gonna be short because idk how to word it with out it being awkward.


Oh shit. It all clicked. When my manger said she was gonna help me this is what she meant. She got me a fake boyfriend.

"why the fuck is she here" Jack said as he narrow his eyes.

"why the fuck is he here" i replied done with his shit.

As Vivian and Jack stood in the coach's office, the tension was thick. Vivian's eyes narrowed, and Jack's jaw clenched as they exchanged forced pleasantries. Vivian couldn't believe she had to fake date her brother's best friend, especially after their rocky history. Jack, on the other hand, was annoyed at the idea of pretending to be in a relationship with someone he had clashed with in the past. 

As Vivian and Jack exchanged tense glances, the coach cleared his throat, breaking the silence in the room. "Alright, let me explain why you two are here," he began, his voice steady. He detailed the plan for them to fake date for their separate reasons, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the charade for the team's sake. Vivian and Jack listened, their expressions a mix of disbelief and resignation. 

After the coach left, Vivian and Jack were left alone, the weight of the situation hanging heavily between them. "Well, this is going to be interesting," Vivian remarked dryly, breaking the silence. Jack let out a small awkward chuckle, "Interesting is one way to put it." They both knew this fake dating arrangement was going to be a challenge, but little did they know it might also lead to unexpected discoveries about each other.  


After a long meeting me and Jack could finally leave. As we left coaches office we were meet by a very loud Luke "HEY BITCHES WHATS UP".  Jack groaned loudly as many people told Luke to shut up. "Hey Jacky bear since your the best big brother ever why don't you get me and Viv some ice cream while you to explain what was going on in there" Luke said as he teased jack.

oh shit


hey guys... um so im STILL sick and ur update will come in 2 days dw so yay! also im js tired asf so no more of me yapping in here. Also i used my big girl words! mimi is very proud of me ikik. bye bye!! -K

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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