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(John bs pov)

After what happend with the light house kies dad had to bail me out sheriff peterkine was already asking if I had the compass I was at work and was rinsing off with a water hose when one of the other workers started yelling saying my boss wanted to talk to me witch resulted in him finding out I stole the air tanks and firing me I was furious knowing who had told him

I walked down the dock after being fired only to run into Sarah

"Hey John b" Sarah said like she didn't do nothing I just stormed pass her "I'm sorry that's it?"

I stopped and turned around mad

"Not a hey how you doin? Or kiss my ass?" She asked

I walked over to her "your secret safe with me?" I asked recalling what she said on the boat

Her eyes wandered "what secret are you- oh that secret" she said

"I just got fired because of you" I said angry " and I know you can't imagine that but some people need jobs so they can eat and even some of us need to feed kids" I said slapping the bag of what ever she had in her hands

"What the fuck!" She yelled

"You are exactly who I thought you were Sarah Cameron" I said and left

(Yous all know what happends next before he gets to his house)

I went back to my place and seen it was a complete mess  so I decided to clean up and clean out my dads office giving up on it and thinking that I could possibly make it a room for Blake

After a bit of thinking after cleaning up my house I left Blake with jj and pope for a bit I got thinking and finally figured out one last place that the red field message could mean

I imeadiatly went pulled over to get jj pope and Blake first in the Twinkie

I got to where they was and seen Blake playing around with a few sticks and what ever she could find

I honked the horn getting all there attentions and Blake imeadiatly jumped up in excitement

"Bubba!" Blake said running to the car

Jj came over and lifted her through the window where I picked her up setting her on my lap while pope and jj got in the car jj was in the front pope in the back

"Hey pumpkin" I say placing a small kiss on her nose

I drove with Blake on my lap over to the wreck to get kie

I sent pope in to get kie but he came out threw his hands in the air saying "she said she's not coming"

(Jjs pov)

After pope said kie wasn't coming

"Why?" I asked "what you do John b?"

"Shit" he said "here take Blake I'll be right back"

I took Blake from him as he went in

"Where's bubba going?" Blake asked

"To get kie okay he'll be back" I say as she nodded and played with the rings on my fingers

A few minutes later John b walked out with kie and he jumped back into the driver seat while kie got in the back with pope 

Blake rubbed her eyes tiredly and immediately moved to John bs lap witch as he drove he kept an arm on Blake's back as she slept against him

(John bs pov)

After I explained everything for the most part in the car we pulled up to are destination the graveyard

I carried Blake with me she was still asleep on my shoulder

"This place is scary" kie said quietly "John b what are we doing here?"

"Okay so you know how you're trying to remember a song but you don't remember who sings it?" I asked


"So redfield this whole time I thought it was a place right?" I asked "but it's not a place it's a person"

I shined my lamp to the grave stone that read Olivia refilled

I heard jj say somthing in a languesge

"It's my great-great grandmother Olivia redfeild" I explained "that was her maiden name"

They all looked kinda confused

"Kie can you take Blake" I said carefully giving Blake to kie so I could help push the door open

Me jj and pope all start to push the door it started to push open after a second of sounds of grunting and heavy breathing

All the sudden a snake comes out hissing we all backed away that's when jj started to bark at the snake we all imeadiatly jump into shut him off he said somthing and started to bark at the grave stone I guess in case there was anymore

"John look" pope starts "we're not gonna get in there all right? It's not budging we probably should just go"

I was silent but kie spoke up

"I can get through" she said

I looked at her surprised "what? No no no you think you're gonna fit through the whole?" I asked

"Look this is about your dad and Blake's" kie said "and honestly I really don't believe in it but you deserve to know the truth...I'll do it take Blake"

I took Blake from her arms and jj helped her in

I handed her a flash light

"You alive got a heart beat and everything?" I asked

"So far" she said

"That's good that's good" I ranted nervesly

"I need some more light" she said

"Yea I got you" I said poking my lamp threw keeping a hold of it

"Oh my god" kie said

"What?" I asked kinda panicking

That's when she handed me a packege 

I pulled it out and the others helped her out

I read the packege and it read "to bird and flower"

"This was from my dad" I said

"Bubba?" Blake said starting to wake up rubbing her eyes

I went to say somthing but jj started to panick

"Code read code red squar groupers square groupers" jj said

We started to run and hid behind a grave stone

"Light" kie said telling us to shut off the lights

"Homies got a gun" jj said

"Screw this" kie said taking off running

We all took off running after her and came to the gate kie got up first jj got on top of the fence and I handed jj Blake and he gave her to kie while me and jj climbed up the fence

I took Blake back into my arms and went to run and that's when pope said that he was stuck

And bit of arguing later kie finally pulled him down ripping his pants in the process

We all ran to the van and jumped in I pulled off

Jj took Blake from my lap so I could drive off fast

(Long waited chapter sorry it might be rushed Iv been busy I really am trying it's just hard to write in a phone but hope yous enjoy)

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