Chapter 6

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You find out that Translucent is missing, you gather your thoughts and try and come up with excuses to try and go look for him, so you can stay away from Homelander. When the meeting's done you make your way to Stillwell's office.

"What do you need Crimson." You hear before you open the door.

"Well, I was wondering if I could help search for Translucent. I can go at night so nobody will see me and.."

"Sure I don't care, only at night. Please close the door behind you." She interrupts. You accept the answer without further questions and book it to your room, only a few more hours and it'll be dark enough for you to go out.

When you get up to your room, the door is already cracked open. You panic.

"I thought you were dead." Homelander stands in your room looking in a mirror.

"You're plan not work out too well?" You say angrily. You let your emotions take over for the first time since you were kidnapped.

"What plan?" He steps towards you, holding out his arms. You throw your mask off and begin to yell.


"I missed you" he falls to his knees. "I thought they killed you" he's ignoring your accusation.

"W..what?" You begin to tear up, flashbacks of that night keep playing on loop in your head.

"Y/n I don't know why they took you away, but I do know I won't let them take you away again." He stands up and wraps his arms around you.

You stand with your arms to your sides. Thinking for a moment. You're expression drops and you're emotionless again. You feel him twitch a bit before stepping back. "Crimson..." He looks at you confused.

You look over at your clock on the wall, "I have a mission to attend." You step past him.

"So thats it then? That's all I get?" He turns to face you with his arms up.

"That's all. Sir." You exit the room. Your teeth are clenched hard. He's not real. You focus on those words the entire way outside.

You step outside the doors, breathing in the cold night air. You're outside.. you go ghost and start to wonder around.


A few hours go by and your standing outside of a warehouse looking building. You can somewhat make out a screaming noise. You go through the wall and stand quietly around a corner. You hear people freaking out, the mention of Homelander and a slight lingering smell of blood.

"Holy shit hes dead"

"Good job sport"

That voice...

You step around the corner and unghost. Everyone in the room jumps back.

"Who in the bloody hell are you?" Butcher pulls out a gun.

You slowly remove your mask. And he takes a step back in surprise. "Y/n...?" He mutters.

"How do I know you?" You ask hesitantly

"What did those cunts do to you..?" He hurries towards you. Hugging you tightly.

Painful flashbacks strike your mind. You remember.

"B..butch-" you're cut off by the sound of loud air outside. It's him. "You have to be very quiet"

He nods and you step outside.

"It's time for you to go back to the tower. What are you even doing here?" He looks around.

"I got lost.." you try keep yourself mellow.

"Hm." He thinks for a moment. Looking around. "Why is your heartbeat so fast?" He starts to try and walk past you.

"John.." you whisper. He stops in front of you. You grab him and kiss him. He wraps his arms around you in surprise for a split second before kissing you back.

When you finally pull way, you can see tears... TEARS.. in his eyes.

"I want to believe you didn't sell me out. I really do.. but it's hard." You say calmly.

"I'm..I'm sorry. I didn't do that to you." He whispers in pain.

"I.." those mixed up shitty feelings again. "I trust you..." You're memory of Butcher is gone again. You remember that night with Homelander. That day on the ledge. And that's where your focus remains.

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