Buster Call Commences!//Chapter 51

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As the two pirates stumbled down the hall and went to pass a massive broken down wall, a large explosion erupted in the distance.

Wyper and Faythe both froze as they turned to see how close it was.

"That was the fence surrounding the island..." Faythe muttered.

"So it begins..." Wyper grunted before hurrying on. His hand holding Faythe gingerly as he didn't wanna irritate her wounds. She was much more prioritized than he was at the moment with fatality.

Faythe heard a small whistle in the air, "What—" Before she could even investigate the top proportion of the Tower of Justice had been blown over it's side—and Wyper and Faythe were in the middle of it.


Faythe had scrambled to her feet as she dodged sliding crates and broken pillars running towards the tilting side.

Wyper quickly equipped his shooters and activated the breath dial to amp up the speed. He shot forward and held Faythe close to him as he aimed his bazooka at the other end of the hall, "BLUE BURN—!!!" His wings tucked around her as he shielded her from the loose debris that might've rained down on her.

As soon as they cleared the building, he unwrapped his wings from the lady in his hold and let them spread out wide—letting the wind carry them down.

"Look—!" Faythe pointed down towards the Bridge of Hesitation, "It's Franky and Robin—!" And there they both stood next to the other, fighting off as many marines as they could until the rest of the crew meet up with them.

"Alright! Going in for a landing...!" Wyper tucked in his wings and let his shooters blast them towards the fighting scene.

"Drop me—!"

"You got it—!!"

As soon as he let go, he witnessed the sight of Faythe immediately transform into her beast form. A screeching shriek leaving her beak as she flew down and toppled down a few marines that tried sneaking up on Robin.

The woman immediately turned to fight off the person, but then realized who it was with a softening smile, "Mrs. Writer..."

Faythe shifted out of her beast form in a blur of feathers flying in the air.

Next thing Robin knew, she was being tackled into a massive hug from the redhead.

"IM SO GLAD YOUR OKAY—!!!" Faythe cried out. Her eyes wobbling with so much built up emotion, "YOUR GONNA COME BACK WITH US, AND IMMA GIVE YOU THE BIGGEST CUDDLES—!!"

Robin's face melted into a happy smile, "I wouldn't pass that up for the world..." She let out a small laugh at her emotional friend, "Derishishishi...!"

Franky sniffled at the scene and immediately wiped his face with his massive arm, "Well shit! I'm not crying—! But it's soo sweeeeeett....!!" He blubbered.

Faythe looked at the cyborg with a disgusted look, "Ew."

"DONT RUIN THE GOOD MOMENT—!!" Franky snapped at the redhead.

Wyper flew down and sucker punched a nearby agent that pointed a rifle at the two ladies trying to enjoy the other's company as much as they could, "Pay attention you bastard—!!"

Franky whipped around and glared at the shandorian, "Why you—!!" He then rose his massive arm out and shot a round of bullet directly at Wyper. But it ended up taking down a few more marines behind the man.

Wyper raised a brow and shifted the cigarette between his teeth, "Don't be a child."

Franky grinded his teeth in frustration as he began to let loose on the marines and agents around them, "I don't wanna hear that from the man who follows a kid around like a lost puppy."

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