Chapter 7

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The deafening explosion shattered the eerie calm of the hospital, ripping through the air with a force that seemed to rend reality itself. Walls trembled, ceilings collapsed, and the once orderly corridors were reduced to a chaotic maze of debris and smoke. Amidst the chaos, Spender-Man found himself hurtling through the air like a ragdoll, thrown into Aunt Septi's room with bone-jarring force.

The world spun in a dizzying whirlwind of pain and confusion as Spender-Man struggled to regain his bearings. His body ached with a thousand different injuries, each one a testament to the ferocity of the blast that had torn through the hospital. His senses reeled as he tried to make sense of the devastation around him, the acrid stench of smoke filling his nostrils, the distant screams of the wounded echoing in his ears.

Through the haze of smoke and dust, he could see flames dancing hungrily amidst the wreckage, casting eerie shadows that seemed to mock his struggle. The once sterile walls were now charred and blackened, the faint outlines of medical equipment twisted and mangled beyond recognition. And amidst it all, Aunt Septi's room stood as a grim reminder of the horrors that had been unleashed upon them, the door hanging off its hinges like a gaping wound, the interior engulfed in flames.

As Spender-Man fought to push himself upright, his eyes fell upon the figure standing amidst the devastation, a dark silhouette against the backdrop of flames. It was Glen, his former ally turned bitter enemy, his features twisted into a grotesque mask of triumph. The sight of him filled Spender-Man with a cold fury, a burning rage that threatened to consume him from within.

"You..." Spender-Man's voice was barely a hoarse whisper, raw with pain and disbelief. "You did this..."

Glen's laughter echoed through the ruined room, a sound devoid of any shred of humanity. "Of course, I did, Spender-Man," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "What did you expect? That I would simply stand by and watch as you foiled my plans time and time again?"

Every word was like a dagger to Spender-Man's heart, each syllable driving home the depth of Glen's betrayal. Aunt Septi, the one person he had sworn to protect above all else, had been caught in the crossfire of their bitter feud, her life snuffed out in an instant of senseless violence. The weight of her loss bore down on him like a leaden weight, threatening to crush him beneath its unbearable burden.

"You're a monster," Spender-Man spat, his voice thick with rage and grief. "She trusted you... and you betrayed her..."

Glen's grin widened, a sickening display of triumph in the face of Spender-Man's anguish. "Trust is for fools, Spender-Man," he taunted, his voice cold as ice. "In this world, power is the only currency that matters. And now, thanks to me, you have nothing."

With a cry of anguish, Spender-Man lunged forward, his fists clenched in impotent rage. But Glen was already gone, disappearing into the smoke and flames with a mocking laugh that echoed in Spender-Man's ears long after he had vanished from sight. And as the fires consumed everything in their path, Spender-Man could only watch helplessly, knowing that he had failed the one person who had ever truly believed in him.

The weight of guilt and grief bore down upon Spender-Man like a crushing avalanche, threatening to bury him alive in a suffocating tomb of despair. Tears of anguish welled in his eyes, blurring the charred remnants of Aunt Septi's room as he stumbled through the wreckage, each step a painful reminder of the loss he could never undo.

"Damn it all," he whispered hoarsely, his voice choked with emotion. "Why her? Why now?"

The crackle of flames echoed in the cavernous ruins, a haunting requiem for the life he couldn't save. With a trembling hand, Spender-Man reached out to touch the scorched walls, as if seeking solace in the searing heat that had consumed everything he held dear.

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